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Question Number 136781 by bramlexs22 last updated on 25/Mar/21

What is the equation of the circle passing though (-2,-4) and (4,6) its center lies on the line 3x- 2y+20=0\n

Answered by EDWIN88 last updated on 26/Mar/21

Let P(−2,−4) and Q(4,6) , and midpoint  PQ is T(((4−2)/2), ((6−4)/2))=T(1,1).   let C(a,b) be a center point the circle.  We know that vector PQ ⊥ CT  ; then   { ((PQ = (4−(−2),(6−(−4))=(6,10))),((CT= (1−a,1−b))) :}  PQ.CT = 0 ;  6(1−a)+10(1−b)= 0  ⇒16−6a−10b= 0 ; 3a+5b = 8...(i)  Because the center point the circle lies  on the line 3x−2y+20 = 0 , we get   ⇒ 3a−2b = −20...(ii)  Now we can solving for a and b , gives    3a+5b = 8    3a −2b = −20        7b = 28  { ((b=4)),((a= −4)) :} , now we want to  compute the radius = ∣CP∣ = (√((−2+4)^2 +(−4−4)^2 ))  radius = (√(4+64)) = (√(68.))  Finally the equation of the circle is equal to    (x+4)^2 +(y−4)^2  = 68 or     x^2 +y^2 +8x−8y−34 = 0

LetP(2,4)andQ(4,6),andmidpoint PQisT(422,642)=T(1,1). letC(a,b)beacenterpointthecircle. WeknowthatvectorPQCT;then Extra close brace or missing open brace Extra close brace or missing open brace Extra close brace or missing open brace Becausethecenterpointthecirclelies ontheline3x2y+20=0,weget Extra close brace or missing open brace Nowwecansolvingforaandb,gives 3a+5b=8 3a2b=20 7b=28{b=4a=4,nowwewantto Extra close brace or missing open brace radius=4+64=68. Finallytheequationofthecircleisequalto Extra close brace or missing open brace x2+y2+8x8y34=0

Commented byEDWIN88 last updated on 26/Mar/21

Answered by mr W last updated on 26/Mar/21

say center of circle is (u,v), radius r  3u−2v+20=0   ...(i)  (u+2)^2 +(v+4)^2 =r^2    ...(ii)  (u−4)^2 +(v−6)^2 =r^2    ...(iii)  (ii)−(iii):  3u+5v−8=0   ...(iv)  (iv)−(i):  7v−28=0 ⇒v=4  u=((8−5v)/3)=((8−20)/3)=−4  r^2 =(−4+2)^2 +(4+4)^2 =68  eqn. of circle:  (x+4)^2 +(y−4)^2 =68

saycenterofcircleis(u,v),radiusr 3u2v+20=0...(i) (u+2)2+(v+4)2=r2...(ii) (u4)2+(v6)2=r2...(iii) (ii)(iii): 3u+5v8=0...(iv) (iv)(i): 7v28=0v=4 u=85v3=8203=4 r2=(4+2)2+(4+4)2=68 eqn.ofcircle: Extra close brace or missing open brace

Commented last updated on 27/Mar/21



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