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Question Number 136899 by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 27/Mar/21

Answered by Olaf last updated on 28/Mar/21

3.  f(x) = x^2 , −2≤x≤2  a_0 (f) = (1/T)∫_(−(T/2)) ^(+(T/2)) f(x)dx  a_0 (f) = (1/4)∫_(−2) ^(+2) x^2 dx = (1/4)[(x^3 /3)]_(−2) ^(+2)  = (4/3)  a_n (f) = (2/T)∫_(−(T/2)) ^(+(T/2)) f(x)cos(((2πnx)/T))dx  a_n (f) = (1/2)∫_(−2) ^(+2) x^2 cos(((πnx)/4))dx  a_n (f) = (1/2)[((((2π^2 n^2 x^2 −16)sin(((πnx)/2))+8πnxcos(((πnx)/2)))/(π^3 n^3 ))]_(−2) ^(+2)   a_n (f) = ((4(−1)^n )/(π^2 n^2 ))  b_n (f) = (2/T)∫_(−(T/2)) ^(+(T/2)) f(x)sin(((2πnx)/T))dx  b_n (f) = 0 because f is even  f(x) = a_0 +Σ_(n=1) ^∞ a_n cos(((2πnx)/T))  f(x) = (4/3)+(4/π^2 )Σ_(n=1) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/n^2 )cos(((πnx)/2))


Commented by greg_ed last updated on 28/Mar/21

i like it !


Answered by Olaf last updated on 28/Mar/21

  4.  f(x) =  { ((2+x, −2≤x≤0)),((2−x, 0 ≤x≤2)) :}  or f(x) = 2−∣x∣, −2≤x≤2  a_0 (f) = (1/T)∫_(−(T/2)) ^(+(T/2)) f(x)dx  a_0 (f) = (1/4)∫_(−2) ^(+2) (2−∣x∣)dx  a_0 (f) = (1/4)∫_(−2) ^0 (2+x)dx+(1/4)∫_0 ^2 (2−x)dx  a_0 (f) = (1/4)[2x+(x^2 /2)]_(−2) ^0 +(1/4)[2x−(x^2 /2)]_0 ^2   a_0 (f) = (1/2)+(1/2) = 1  a_n (f) = (2/T)∫_(−(T/2)) ^(+(T/2)) f(x)cos(((2πnx)/T))dx  a_n (f) = (1/2)∫_(−2) ^(+0) (2+x)cos(((πnx)/2))dx  +(1/2)∫_0 ^2 (2−x)cos(((πnx)/2))dx  a_n (f) = ∫_(−2) ^(+2) cos(((πnx)/2))dx−∫_0 ^2 xcos(((πnx)/2))dx  a_n (f) = (4/(π^2 n^2 ))[(−1)^n −1]  a_(2n) (f) = 0 and a_(2n+1) (f) = −(8/(π^2 (2n+1)^2 ))  b_n (f) = (2/T)∫_(−(T/2)) ^(+(T/2)) f(x)cos(((2πnx)/T))dx  b_n (f) = (1/2)∫_(−2) ^(+0) (2+x)sin(((πnx)/2))dx  +(1/2)∫_0 ^2 (2−x)sin(((πnx)/2))dx  b_n (f) = ∫_(−2) ^(+2) sin(((πnx)/2))dx = 0  f(x) = a_0 +Σ_(n=1) ^∞ a_n cos(((πnx)/2))  f(x) = 1−(8/π^2 )Σ_(p=0) ^∞ ((cos(((π(2p+1)x)/2)))/((2p+1)^2 ))


Commented by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 28/Mar/21

thankyou sir


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