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Question Number 137314 by liberty last updated on 01/Apr/21
The diagonals of a convex quadrilateral divide the area into A, B, D and C (numbered clockwise) such that A/B = C/D. Does this theorem have a name?\n
Commented bymr W last updated on 01/Apr/21
it′ssoobvioursthatithinkthereis nospecialnameforit.thereisalso nospecialnameforthetheoremthat thesumofallinternalanglesofa quadrilateralis360°.
Answered by EDWIN88 last updated on 01/Apr/21
Sureithasaname,Dunkley′sTheorem. ′ThediagonalsofconvexquadrilateralABCD dividethequadrilateralintofourtriangles ;theproductsofareasoftheopposing trianglesareequal.′
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