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Question Number 137363 by liberty last updated on 02/Apr/21

As illustrated, the rectangle has an area of 1, and E is the midpoint of AD. BF is one third of AB. What is the area of the shadow?\n

Commented byliberty last updated on 02/Apr/21

Answered by mr W last updated on 02/Apr/21

Commented bymr W last updated on 02/Apr/21

EJ=((AF)/2)=BF  ⇒BG=GE  EJ=((AF)/2)=(1/2)×(2/3)AB=((AB)/3)=((DC)/3)  ⇒EI=((IC)/3)=((EC)/4)  FK=((AE)/3)=((BC)/6)  ⇒BK=6×HK=(6/7)×BK=(6/7)×((BE)/3)=(2/7)×BE  ΔBHC=(2/7)×ΔBEC  ΔEGI=(1/4)×ΔEGC=(1/8)×ΔBEC  shados=(1−(2/7)−(1/8))×ΔBEC                  =((33)/(56))×ΔBEC                  =((33)/(56))×(1/2)=((33)/(112))

EJ=AF2=BF BG=GE EJ=AF2=12×23AB=AB3=DC3 EI=IC3=EC4 FK=AE3=BC6 BK=6×HK=67×BK=67×BE3=27×BE ΔBHC=27×ΔBEC ΔEGI=14×ΔEGC=18×ΔBEC shados=(12718)×ΔBEC =3356×ΔBEC =3356×12=33112

Answered by EDWIN88 last updated on 02/Apr/21

we can make simpler by considering this  a 12×12 square with B at origin. We have  to remember to divide by 12^2  at the end.  We get coordinates B(0,0) ,A(0,12),F(0,4)  E(6,12), D(12,12),C(12,0). we need to?  calculate G,H,I. G is the meet if BE and DF   ⇒ G(3,6); H(((12)/7),((24)/7)) ; I(((15)/2), 9).   The shadow area is   = (1/2) ∣  determinant (((12    0)),((((12)/7)    ((24)/7))))+ determinant (((((12)/7)    ((24)/7))),(( 3       6)))+ determinant (((3    6)),((((15)/2)  9)))+ determinant (((((15)/2)   9)),((12   0)))∣  =(1/2)∣((288)/7) + 0 −18−108 ∣  =(1/2). ((594)/7) = ((297)/7) .Therefore we get the  shadow area is ((297)/(7×144)) = ((33)/(112))

wecanmakesimplerbyconsideringthis a12×12squarewithBatorigin.Wehave toremembertodivideby122attheend. WegetcoordinatesB(0,0),A(0,12),F(0,4) E(6,12),D(12,12),C(12,0).weneedto? calculateG,H,I.GisthemeetifBEandDF G(3,6);H(127,247);I(152,9). Theshadowareais =12|120127247|+|12724736|+|361529|+|1529120| =122887+018108 =12.5947=2977.Thereforewegetthe shadowareais2977×144=33112

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