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Question Number 137415 by mr W last updated on 02/Apr/21

solve  x+(√(x(x+1)))+(√(x(x+2)))+(√((x+1)(x+2)))=2


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 03/Apr/21

x_1 =(1/(24))  x_2 ≈−2.73908312241  x_2  is a solution of x^4 +x^3 −4x^2 +2x−(1/4)=0  which I couldn′t solve exactly and there are  no complex solutions.


Commented by liberty last updated on 03/Apr/21

how to get x^4 +x^3 −4x^2 +2x−(1/4)=0?


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 03/Apr/21

(√A)+(√B)=D−(√C)  squaring, transforming  2((√(AB))+D(√C))=C+D^2 −A−B  squaring, transforming  8D(√A)(√B)(√C)=A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^4 −2(AB+AC+AD^2 +BC+BD^2 +CD^2 )  squaring, transforming, inserting  x^5 +((23)/(24))x^4 −((97)/(24))x^3 +((13)/6)x^2 −(1/3)x+(1/(96))=0  trying factors of (1/(96))  (x−(1/(24)))(x^4 +x^3 −4x^2 +2x−(1/4))=0  we can find 2 square factors  let x=z−(1/4)  z^4 −((35)/8)z^2 +((33)/8)z−((259)/(256))=0  (z^2 −az−b)(z^2 +az−c)=0  ⇒  (1)  a^2 +b+c−((35)/8)=0  (2)  ab−ac+((33)/8)=0  (3)  bc+((259)/(256))=0  (1)  c=−a^2 −b+((35)/8)  (2)  b=−(a^2 /2)−((33)/(16a))+((35)/(16)) ⇒ c=−(a^2 /2)+((33)/(16a))+((35)/(16))  (3)  ⇒ a^6 −((35)/4)a^4 +((371)/(16))a^2 −((1089)/(64))=0  let a=(√(r+((35)/(12))))  r^3 −(7/3)r+((107)/(108))=0  sadly this has no useable solution...  r_1 =((2(√7))/3)sin ((arcsin ((107(√7))/(392)))/3)  r_2 =((2(√7))/3)cos ((π+2arcsin ((107(√7))/(392)))/6)  r_3 =−((2(√7))/3)sin ((π+arcsin ((107(√7))/(392)))/3)  ⇒ this makes no sense, it′s “cheaper” to  approximately solve  x^4 +x^3 −4x^2 +2x−(1/4)=0  and check the solutions (squaring causes  false solutions)  x_1 ≈−2.73908 ★  x_2 ≈.200728 wrong  x_3 ≈.399135 wrong  x_4 ≈1.13922 wrong


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Apr/21

thanks sirs!


Answered by mindispower last updated on 02/Apr/21

let Z=(√(x(x+1)))+(√(x(x+2)))  Y=x+(√((x+1)(x+2)))  Z^2 =2x^2 +3x+2x(√((x+1)(x+2)))  Y^2 =2x^2 +3x+2+2x(√((x+2)(x+1)))  Y^2 −Z^2 =2...1  Y+Z=2...2  (1)&(2)⇒Y−Z=1  ⇒Y=(3/2)  ⇔((3/2)−x)=(√((x+1)(x+2)))⇒−3x+(9/4)=3x+2  ⇒6x=(1/4)⇒x=(1/(24))....  (1/(24))... i will post complet solution later  i solved withe ⇒ not ⇔ must tchek if (1/(24)) is solution


Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Apr/21

thanks sir!  (1/(24)) is a soluton. but is it the only one?


Answered by liberty last updated on 03/Apr/21

for x≥0  (√x) ((√x) +(√(x+1)) )+(√(x+2)) ((√x) +(√(x+1)) )= 2  (√x) +(√(x+2)) = (2/( (√x) +(√(x+1))))  that can be written as  (√x) +(√(x+2)) = 2(√(x+1)) −2(√x)  3(√x) +(√(x+2)) = 2(√(x+1))  10x+2+6(√(x(x+2))) = 4x+4  3(√(x(x+2))) = 1−3x  9x^2 +18x = 9x^2 −6x+1  ⇔ 24x = 1 ; x=(1/(24))


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