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Question Number 137439 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 02/Apr/21

            ......nice  calculus.....      prove that::        π›˜=∫_0 ^( 1) ((ln(x+(√(1βˆ’x^2  )) ))/x)dx=(Ο€^2 /(16)) ....


Answered by mindispower last updated on 03/Apr/21

f(t)=∫_0 ^1 ((ln(tx+(√(1βˆ’x^2 ))))/x)dx,We want f(1)  fβ€²(t)=∫_0 ^1 (dx/(tx+(√(1βˆ’x^2 ))))  x=sin(r)  fβ€²(t)=∫_0 ^(Ο€/2) ((cos(r)dr)/(tsin(r)+cos(r)))  cos(r)=a(tsin(r)+cos(r))+b(tcos(r)βˆ’sin(r))  atβˆ’b=0  a+bt=1  b=(t/(t^2 +1))  a=(1/(1+t^2 ))  fβ€²(t)=∫_0 ^(Ο€/2) (dr/(1+t^2 ))+(t/(1+t^2 ))∫_0 ^(Ο€/2) ((tcos(r)βˆ’sin(r))/(tsin(r)+cos(r)))dr  =(Ο€/2).(1/(1+t^2 ))+(t/(1+t^2 ))ln(t)  f(0)=(1/2)∫_0 ^1 ((ln(1βˆ’t^2 ))/t)dt=(1/2).βˆ’Ξ£_(nβ‰₯0) ∫_0 ^1 (t^(2n+1) /(n+1))  =βˆ’(1/4)Ξ£_(nβ‰₯0) (1/((n+1)^2 ))=βˆ’(Ο€^2 /(24))  ∫_0 ^1 fβ€²(t)=f(1)βˆ’f(0)=(Ο€/2)arctan(1)+∫_0 ^1 ((tln(t))/(1+t^2 ))dt  =(Ο€^2 /8)βˆ’Ξ£_(nβ‰₯0) (((βˆ’1)^n )/((2n+2)^2 ))=(Ο€^2 /8)βˆ’(1/4)((Ο€^2 /(12)))=((5Ο€^2 )/(48))  f(1)=((5Ο€^2 )/(48))+f(0)=((5Ο€^2 )/(48))βˆ’(Ο€^2 /(24))=(Ο€^2 /(16))


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 03/Apr/21

thanks alot mr power..


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 03/Apr/21

Commented by mindispower last updated on 03/Apr/21

pleasur sir


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 03/Apr/21

Ο‡=∫_0 ^1  ((log(x+(√(1βˆ’x^2 ))))/x)dx  let f(a)=∫_0 ^1  ((log(ax+(√(1βˆ’x^2 ))))/x)dx witha>0  f^β€² (a)=∫_0 ^1   (x/(x(ax+(√(1βˆ’x^2 )))))dx =∫_0 ^1  (dx/(ax +(√(1βˆ’x^2 ))))  =_(x=sint)    ∫_0 ^(Ο€/2)  ((cost )/(asint +cost))dt =∫_0 ^(Ο€/2)  (dt/(atant +1))  =_(tant=y)    ∫_0 ^∞   (1/(ay +1)) Γ—(dy/((1+y^2 )))  let decompose  F(y) =(1/((ay+1)(y^2  +1))) β‡’F(y)=(Ξ±/(ay+1)) +((Ξ²y +Ξ΄)/(y^2  +1))  Ξ± =(1/((1/a^2 )+1)) =(a^2 /(a^2  +1))  lim_(yβ†’+∞)  yF(y)=0 =(Ξ±/a)+Ξ² β‡’Ξ²=βˆ’(a/(a^2  +1))  F(0)=1 =Ξ±+Ξ΄ β‡’Ξ΄=1βˆ’(a^2 /(a^2  +1)) =(1/(a^2  +1)) β‡’  F(y)=(a^2 /((a^2 +1)(ay+1)))+ ((βˆ’(a/(1+a^2 ))y+(1/(1+a^2 )))/(y^2  +1)) β‡’  ∫_0 ^∞  F(y)dy =(1/(a^2  +1))∫_0 ^∞ ( ((a^2  dy)/(ay +1))βˆ’((ayβˆ’1)/(y^2  +1)))dy  =(1/(a^2  +1))∫_0 ^∞ ((a^2 /(ay+1))βˆ’(a/2)((2y)/(y^2  +1)) +(1/(y^2  +1)))dy  =(1/(a^2 +1))[aln(ay+1)βˆ’aln(√(y^2 +1))]_0 ^∞  +(Ο€/(2(1+a^2 )))  =(a/(a^2  +1))[ln(((ay+1)/( (√(y^2 +1)))))]_0 ^∞ +(Ο€/(2(1+a^2 )))  =((aloga)/(a^2  +1))+(Ο€/(2(a^2  +1))) =f^β€² (a) β‡’  f(a)=∫ ((aloga)/(a^2 +1))da +(Ο€/2)arctan(a)+C  f(1)βˆ’f(0) =∫_0 ^1  f^β€² (a)da =∫_0 ^1  ((aloga)/(1+a^2 ))da +(Ο€/2)∫_0 ^1  (da/(1+a^2 ))  ∫_0 ^1  (da/(1+a^2 )) =[arctana]_0 ^1  =(Ο€/4)  ∫_0 ^1  ((aloga)/(1+a^2 ))da =[(1/2)log(1+a^2 )loga]_0 ^(1 ) βˆ’(1/2)∫_0 ^1  ((log(1+a^2 ))/a)da  =βˆ’(1/2)∫_0 ^1  ((log(1+a^2 ))/a)da  (log(1+u)^β€²  =(1/(1+u)) =Ξ£_(n=0) ^∞  (βˆ’1)^n  u^n  β‡’log(1+u)=Ξ£_(n=0) ^∞ (βˆ’1)^n  (u^(n+1) /(n+1))  =Ξ£_(n=1) ^∞  (βˆ’1)^(nβˆ’1)  (u^n /n) β‡’log(1+x^2 ) =Ξ£_(n=1) ^∞ (βˆ’1)^(nβˆ’1)  (x^(2n) /n) β‡’  ∫_0 ^1  ((log(1+x^2 ))/x)dx =Ξ£_(n=1) ^∞  (((βˆ’1)^(nβˆ’1) )/(n(2n+1))) =u_n   (u_n /2)=Ξ£_(n=1) ^∞  (((βˆ’1)^(nβˆ’1) )/(2n(2n+1))) =Ξ£_(n=1) ^∞  (βˆ’1)^(nβˆ’1) ((1/(2n))βˆ’(1/(2n+1)))  =(1/2)Ξ£_(n=1) ^∞  (((βˆ’1)^(nβˆ’1) )/n)βˆ’Ξ£_(n=1) ^∞  (((βˆ’1)^n )/(2n+1))  =((log2)/2)βˆ’((Ο€/4)βˆ’1) β‡’f(1)βˆ’f(0)=βˆ’((log2)/4)+(1/2)((Ο€/4)βˆ’1)  =βˆ’((log2)/4)+(Ο€/8)βˆ’(1/2) β‡’f(1)=Ο‡ =βˆ’((log2)/4)+(Ο€/8)βˆ’(1/2) +f(0)  f(0)=∫_0 ^1  ((log((√(1βˆ’x^2 ))))/x)dx rest to find f(0) continued...


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 03/Apr/21

thanks alot mr max....


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