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Question Number 137986 by ajfour last updated on 08/Apr/21

Commented by ajfour last updated on 08/Apr/21

Find maximum speed gained  by cylinder if motion is  initiated. Bottom corner is  hinged to ground.


Answered by mr W last updated on 08/Apr/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Apr/21

let ω=−(dθ/dt)  sin φ=((r−(√2)r sin θ)/r)=1−(√2) sin θ  s=(√2)r cos θ+r cos φ     =(√2)r cos θ+r(√(1−(1−(√2) sin θ)^2 ))     =(√2)r cos θ+r(√(2 sin θ((√2)−sin θ)))  (ds/dθ)=−(√2)r sin θ+r((cos θ(1−(√2) sin θ))/( (√(sin θ((√2)−sin θ)))))  v=(ds/dt)=−ω(ds/dθ)=ωr[(√2) sin θ−((cos θ(1−(√2) sin θ))/( (√(sin θ((√2)−sin θ)))))]  I_A =((m((√2)r)^2 )/6)+mr^2 =((4mr^2 )/3)  Iα=mgrsin ((π/4)−θ)+N sin φ s−N cos φ r  ((4r)/(3g))α−sin ((π/2)−θ)=(N/(mg))(1−(√2) sin θ)((√2) cos θ)  ⇒(N/(mg))=((((4r)/(3g))α−sin ((π/4)−θ))/( (√2)cos θ (1−(√2) sin θ)))  when N=0:  α=((3g)/(4r)) sin ((π/4)−θ)    (1/2)I_A ω^2 +(1/2)Mv^2 =mgr[1−cos ((π/4)−θ)]  ((4mr^2 )/3)ω^2 +Mω^2 r^2 [(√2) sin θ−((cos θ(1−(√2) sin θ))/( (√(sin θ((√2)−sin θ)))))]^2 =2mgr[1−cos ((π/4)−θ)]  ω^2 {(4/3)+(M/m)[(√2) sin θ−((cos θ(1−(√2) sin θ))/( (√(sin θ((√2)−sin θ)))))]^2 }=((2g)/r)[1−cos ((π/4)−θ)]  ω=(√(g/r))×(√((1−cos ((π/4)−θ))/((1/3)+((2M)/m)[(√2) sin θ−((cos θ(1−(√2) sin θ))/( (√(sin θ((√2)−sin θ)))))]^2 )))  with Φ(θ)=(√((1−cos ((π/4)−θ))/((1/3)+((2M)/m)[(√2) sin θ−((cos θ(1−(√2) sin θ))/( (√(sin θ((√2)−sin θ)))))]^2 )))  ⇒ω=(√(g/r))×Φ(θ)  α=(dω/dt)=−ω(dω/dθ)=−(g/r)Φ(θ)Φ′(θ)  −(g/r)Φ(θ)Φ′(θ)=((3g)/(4r)) sin ((π/4)−θ)  ⇒Φ(θ)Φ′(θ)+(3/4) sin ((π/4)−θ)=0  v=(√(gr))×Φ(θ)[(√2) sin θ−((cos θ(1−(√2) sin θ))/( (√(sin θ((√2)−sin θ)))))]  examples:  (M/m)=1  we get N=0 at θ≈0.5795 (=32.20°)  v_(max) ≈0.082(√(gr))  (M/m)=10  we get N=0 at θ≈0.5373 (=30.79°)  v_(max) ≈0.056(√(gr))


Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Apr/21

Ncos φ=MA  mgrsin (π/4−θ)−Nr(√2)sin (θ−φ)  =(((4mr^2 )/3))α  when contact breaks  N=0, A=0,  3gsin (π/4−θ)=4αr    αsin (θ−φ)=ω^2 cos (θ−φ)  3gsin (π/4−θ)sin (θ−φ)=4ω^2 rcos (θ−φ)  .(i)  ωr(√2)sin (θ−φ)=Vcos φ   ...(ii)  (1/2)(((4mr^2 )/3))ω^2 +(1/2)MV^2      =mgr[1−cos (π/4−θ)]     ....(iii)  3g(cos θ−sin θ)sin (θ−φ)=4(√2)ω^2 rcos (θ−φ)  ⇒  ((2/3)+((Msin^2 (θ−φ))/(mcos^2 φ)))[((3(cos θ−sin θ)sin (θ−φ))/(4cos (θ−φ)))]    = (√2)−cos θ−sin θ  with  (√2)sin θ=1−sin φ  θ is obtained from above eq.  Now   V=((ωr(√2)sin (θ−φ))/(cos φ))  ,  hence    V^( 2)  ={((3(cos θ−sin θ)sin^3 (θ−φ))/( 2(√2)cos^2 φcos (θ−φ)))}gr


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Apr/21

thanks for reviewing sir!


Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Apr/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Apr/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Apr/21

case 2:  v_(x, C_1 ) =v_(x, C_2 ) =V  case 1:  v_(x, C_1 ) ≠v_(x, C_2 ) =V


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Apr/21

the corner C_1  doesn′t have the same  v_x  as the point C_2  on the cylinder!  both points on the contact must have  the same velocity in x′−direction,  not in x−direction, i think.


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Apr/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Apr/21

V_(C2) cos φ=V_(C1) sin (θ−φ)  ⇒Vcos φ=ω(√2)rsin (θ−φ)  ⇒V=((ωr(√2)sin (θ−φ))/(cos φ))  sin φ=1−(√2) sin θ  cos φ=(√(2sin θ((√2) −sin θ)))  sin (θ−φ)=sin θcos φ−cos θsin φ  V=ωr(√2)(sin θ−((cos θ(1−(√2) sin θ))/( (√(2 sin θ ((√2)−sin θ))))))  V=ωr((√2)sin θ−((cos θ(1−(√2) sin θ))/( (√(sin θ ((√2)−sin θ))))))  this is the same as i had above.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Apr/21

Yes sir, you are right; I ′ve edited.


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