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Question Number 171371 by pticantor last updated on 13/Jun/22

∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) (dx/(1+x^4 ))=?


Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 13/Jun/22

solve using complex analysis  we inregrate the complex function  (1/(1+z^4 )) over the contour Γ=lim_(r→∞) Γ_1 ∪Γ_2 .  Γ_1 :=[−r,r] and Γ_2 :={re^(it) ∣t∈(0,π)}  ⇒I=∮_Γ (dz/(1+z^4 ))=∫_Γ_1  (dz/(1+z^4 ))+∫_Γ_2  (dz/(1+z^4 ))  ∫_Γ_1  (dz/(1+z^4 ))=∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) (dx/(1+x^4 ))  ∫_Γ_2  (dz/(1+z^4 ))=lim_(r→∞) ∫_0 ^π ((ire^(it) dt)/(1+r^4 e^(4it) ))=  =lim_(r→∞) ((ir)/r^4 )∫_0 ^π e^(−3it) dt=0  ⇒Ans.=∮_Γ (dz/(1+z^4 ))=2πiΣRes(z_i )  1+z^4 =0  z^4 =e^(iπ) =e^(i(π+2kπ)) ⇒z=e^(i((π/4)+((kπ)/2)))   therefore we have  z_1 =e^(iπ/4) =(1/( (√2)))+(i/( (√2))),Im(z_1 )>0  z_2 =e^(3iπ/4) =−(1/( (√2)))+(i/( (√2))),Im(z_2 )>0  z_3 =e^(5iπ/4) =−(1/( (√2)))−(i/( (√2))),Im(z_3 )<0  z_4 =e^(7iπ/4) =(1/( (√2)))−(i/( (√2))),Im(z_4 )<0  1+z^4 =(z−z_1 )(z−z_2 )(z−z_3 )(z−z_4 )  ⇒we have poles of (1/(1+z^4 )) in bounds  of Γ at z_1  and z_2  and those poles are  simple.  ⇒Res(z_1 )=lim_(z→z_1 ) ((z−z_1 )/(1+z^4 ))=(1/(4z_1 ^3 ))=(1/4) (z_1 /z_1 ^4 )=−(1/4)e^(iπ/4)   Res(z_2 )=lim_(z→z_2 ) ((z−z_2 )/(1+z^4 ))=(1/(4z_2 ^3 ))=(1/4) (z_2 /z_2 ^4 )=−(1/4)ie^(iπ/2)   ΣRes(z_i )=−(1/4)(1+i)e^(iπ/4) =  =−((√2)/4)((1/( (√2)))+(i/( (√2))))e^(iπ/4) =  =−((√2)/4)e^(iπ/2) =−(i/(2(√2)))  ⇒∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) (dx/(1+x^4 ))=2πi(−(i/(2(√2))))=(π/( (√2)))


Answered by Mathspace last updated on 14/Jun/22

∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) (dx/(x^4 +1))=∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) (dx/((x^2 −i)(x^2 +i)))  =(1/(2i))∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) ((1/(x^2 −i))−(1/(x^2 +i)))dx  =(1/(2i)){∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) (dx/(x^2 −i))−conj(∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) (dx/(x^2 −i)))}  =im(∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) (dx/(x^2 −i))) let f(z)=(1/(z^2 −i))  ⇒f(z)=(1/((z−e^((iπ)/4) )(z+e^((iπ)/4) )))  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) f(z)dz=2iπRe(f,e^((iπ)/4) )  =2iπ×(1/(2e^((iπ)/4) ))=iπe^(−((iπ)/4))   =iπ{(1/( (√2)))−(1/( (√2)))i}=((iπ)/( (√2)))+(π/( (√2))) ⇒  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) (dx/(1+x^4 ))=(π/( (√2)))


Answered by floor(10²Eta[1]) last updated on 14/Jun/22

∫_(−∞) ^∞ (dx/((x^2 +1)^2 −2x^2 ))=∫_(−∞) ^∞ (dx/((x^2 +(√2)x+1)(x^2 −(√2)x+1)))  ((1+i)/4)∫_(−∞) ^∞ (dx/(x^2 +(√2)x+1))+((1−i)/4)∫_(−∞) ^∞ (dx/(x^2 −(√2)x+1))  ((1+i)/4)∫_(−∞) ^∞ (dx/((x+((√2)/2))^2 +(1/2)))+((1−i)/4)∫_(−∞) ^∞ (dx/((x−((√2)/2))^2 +(1/2)))  ((1+i)/4)((√2)arctg(x(√2)+1))_(−∞) ^∞ +((1−i)/4)((√2)arctg(x(√2)−1))_(−∞) ^∞   ((1+i)/4)(√2)((π/2)−(−(π/2)))+((1−i)/4)(√2)((π/2)−(−(π/2)))  =((π(√2)+iπ(√2))/4)+((π(√2)−iπ(√2))/4)=((π(√2))/2)=(π/( (√2)))


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