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Question Number 140838 by mr W last updated on 13/May/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 13/May/21

solution to Q140785


Commented by mr W last updated on 13/May/21

say:  O is origin at any position in plane.  OA^(→) =A  OB^(→) =B  OC^(→) =C  OD^(→) =D  OE^(→) =E  (E is any point in plane)  ⇒OP^(→) =P=((A+B+C+D)/4)  (P is intersection point of bimedians,  is also the centroid of quadrilateral)    AB^(→) =B−A  BC^(→) =C−B  CD^(→) =D−C  DA^(→) =A−D  AE^(→) =E−A  PE^(→) =E−P    x^2 =∣AE∣^2 =(E−A)∙(E−A)=E^2 +A^2 −2A∙E  y^2 =∣BE∣^2 =(E−B)∙(E−B)=E^2 +B^2 −2B∙E  z^2 =∣CE∣^2 =(E−C)∙(E−C)=E^2 +C^2 −2C∙E  t^2 =∣DE∣^2 =(E−D)∙(E−D)=E^2 +D^2 −2D∙E  ∣PE∣^2 =(E−P)∙(E−P)=E^2 +P^2 −2P∙E    P^2 =(1/(16))(A+B+C+D)∙(A+B+C+D)  P^2 =(1/(16))(A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 )+(1/8)(A∙B+A∙C+A∙D+B∙C+B∙D+C∙D)    x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +t^2 =4E^2 +A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 −2(A∙E+B∙E+C∙E+D∙E)  x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +t^2 =4E^2 +A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 −2(A+B+C+D)∙E  x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +t^2 =4E^2 +A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 −8P∙E    x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +t^2 −4∣PE∣^2 =4E^2 +A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 −8P∙E−4E^2 −4P^2 +8P∙E  x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +t^2 −4∣PE∣^2 =A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 −4P^2   x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +t^2 −4∣PE∣^2 =A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 −(1/4)(A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 )−(1/2)(A∙B+A∙C+A∙D+B∙C+B∙D+C∙D)  x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +t^2 −4∣PE∣^2 =(3/4)(A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 )−(1/2)(A∙B+A∙C+A∙D+B∙C+B∙D+C∙D)    a^2 =∣AB∣^2 =(B−A)∙(B−A)=B^2 +A^2 −2A∙B  b^2 =∣BC∣^2 =(C−B)∙(C−B)=C^2 +B^2 −2B∙C  c^2 =∣CD∣^2 =(D−C)∙(D−C)=D^2 +C^2 −2C∙D  d^2 =∣DA∣^2 =(A−D)∙(A−D)=A^2 +D^2 −2A∙D  e^2 =∣AC∣^2 =(C−A)∙(C−A)=C^2 +A^2 −2A∙C  f^2 =∣BD∣^2 =(D−B)∙(D−B)=D^2 +B^2 −2B∙D  a^2 +b^2 +c^2 +d^2 +e^2 +f^2 =3(A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 )−2(A∙B+A∙C+A∙D+B∙C+B∙D+C∙D)  (1/4)(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 +d^2 +e^2 +f^2 )=(3/4)(A^2 +B^2 +C^2 +D^2 )−(1/2)(A∙B+A∙C+A∙D+B∙C+B∙D+C∙D)    ⇒(1/4)(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 +d^2 +e^2 +f^2 )=x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +t^2 −4∣PE∣^2   ⇒(1/4)(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 +d^2 +e^2 +f^2 )+4∣PE∣^2 =x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +t^2


Commented by mathdanisur last updated on 13/May/21

thank you dear Sir cool


Commented by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 13/May/21

Nice solution sir


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