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Question Number 141171 by iloveisrael last updated on 16/May/21

Commented by iloveisrael last updated on 16/May/21

 insteresting question


Commented by mr W last updated on 16/May/21

if AC is fixed, then s is also fixed.  there is no maximum value of s,  because it has a fixed value.


Commented by iloveisrael last updated on 16/May/21



Commented by mr W last updated on 16/May/21

if  R and 1 are fixed values,  then s is also fixed. or you mean R  is not constant.


Commented by EDWIN88 last updated on 16/May/21

s depent to r . not a constant


Commented by mr W last updated on 16/May/21

but if r is constant, then s is also  constant. the question seems to show  that r is given, i.e. r is constant.


Answered by EDWIN88 last updated on 16/May/21

let  { ((A(0,0) )),((B(r,0))) :}C(0,1)  eq of BC⇒ y=−(x/r)+1  eq of cifcle⇒(x−r)^2 +y^2  = r^2                              y=(√(2rx−x^2 ))  coordinates  { ((T(s, −(r/s)+1))),((Q(s,(√(2rs−s^2 )) ))) :} . Since  PQTU is a square we have      s = −(s/r)+1−(√(2rs−s^2 ))     rs = −s+r−r(√(2rs−s^2 ))     r(√(2rs−s^2 )) = −s+r−rs     r^2 (2rs−s^2 ) = s^2 +r^2 +r^2 s^2 −2rs−2r^2 s+2rs^2      2r^3 s−r^2 s^2  = s^2 +r^2 +r^2 s^2 −2rs−2r^2 s+2rs^2     2r^3 s+2rs+2r^2 s−2r^2 s^2 −2rs^2 −s^2 −r^2 =0    (−2r^2 −2r−1)s^2 +(2r^3 +2r^2 +2r)s−r^2  =0   (2r^2 +2r+1)s^2  −2r(r^2 +r+1)s +r^2  = 0    s = (r/(2r^2 +2r+1))   (ds/dr) = ((1(2r^2 +2r+1)−r(4r+2))/((2r^2 +2r+1)^2 )) = 0  ⇒ 2r^2 +2r+1−4r^2 −2r = 0  ⇒ 2r^2  = 1 →r = (1/( (√2)))   max s = ((1/( (√2)))/(1+(√2)+1)) = (1/((2+(√2))(√2)))   s_(max)  = (1/(2(√2) +2)) × ((2(√2)−2)/(2(√2)−2)) = ((2(√2)−2)/4)   s_(max)  = (((√2)−1)/2) ⋇


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