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Question Number 141227 by ajfour last updated on 16/May/21

Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/May/21

The cubic curve is y=x^3 −x−c  Find radii R and s without  having to find α, β, γ.


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 17/May/21

just a thought: if we let  c=a(a^2 −1)∧a>0  the equation gets  x^3 −x−a(a^2 −1)=0  with the solutions  α=a  β=−(a/2)+((√(4−3a^2 ))/2)  γ=−(a/2)−((√(4−3a^2 ))/2)  and the equation of the line connecting   ((α),(0) ) and  ((0),((−c)) ) is  (a^2 −1)x+y−a(a^2 −1)=0  ⇒  R=((∣(a^2 −1)(3a+(√(4−3a^2 )))∣)/( 2(√(a^4 −2a^2 +2))))  r=((∣(a^2 −1)(3a−(√(4−3a^2 )))∣)/( 2(√(a^4 −2a^2 +2))))  of course the original problem is not solved  because c=a(a^2 −1) ⇔ a^3 −a−c=0 so finding  a for a given c leads back to the start ∞


Answered by ajfour last updated on 17/May/21

Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/May/21

α=(√(p^2 −c^2 ))  β=α−q  γ=α−r  α+β+γ=0  αβ+βγ+γα=−1  αβ γ= c  (q/r)=(s/R)  (c/p)=(s/q)=(R/r)  ⇒  c+s+R=0  let  (q/r)=(s/R)=k  ⇒  q=kr  2α=q+r−(√(p^2 −c^2 ))  2β= r−(√(p^2 −c^2 ))  2γ= q−(√(p^2 −c^2 ))  ⇒ q+r=(3/2)(√(p^2 −c^2 ))     ...(i)  (q+r)^2 +2(p^2 −c^2 )     −3(√(p^2 −c^2 )) (q+r)    +qr+(p^2 −c^2 )   −(√(p^2 −c^2 ))(q+r)=−4  ⇒  (q+r)^2 +3(p^2 −c^2 )   −4(√(p^2 −c^2 ))(q+r)+4+qr=0  .....(ii)  (q+r−(√(p^2 −c^2 )))  ×{qr+(p^2 −c^2 )−(√(p^2 −c^2 ))(q+r)}  =8c  ....(iii)  simplifying (ii)   −(3/4)(p^2 −c^2 )+4+qr = 0  ..(I)  now taking up (iii)  −(5/2)(√(p^2 −c^2 ))(qr−((√(p^2 −c^2 ))/2)) =8c   using (I) in here→  −(5/2)((2/( (√3))))(√(4+qr))(qr−((√(4+qr))/( (√3))))    = 8c  let  qr=4tan^2 θ  ⇒   sec θ(tan^2 θ−(1/( 2(√3)))sec θ)     +(((√3)c)/5) = 0     AB=−(((√3)c)/5)  B=A^2 −1−(A/(2(√3)))  ⇒  (((√3)c)/(5A))+(A/(2(√3)))=A(A−(1/A))  ⇒  A=(((A/(2(√3)))+(((√3)c)/(5A)))/(A−(1/A))) = (((A^2 /(2(√3)))+(((√3)c)/5))/(A^2 −1))    A^2 =(((A^4 /(12))+(A^2 /(10))+((3c^2 )/(25)))/(A^4 −2A^2 +1))  ⇒ 60A^2 (A^2 −1)^2        =5(A^2 +(3/5))^2 −(9/5)+((36c^2 )/5)  let  A^2 = t+b  ⇒  60(t+b)(t+b−1)^2       = 5(t+b+(3/5))^2 −(9/5)+((36c^2 )/5)  60{t^3 +b(4b−3)t^2 +   [(b−1)^2 +2b(b−2)]t+b(b−1)^2 }    = 5t^2 +10(b+(3/5))t        +5(b+(3/5))^2 −(9/5)+((36c^2 )/5)  ⇒    60t^3 +5(48b^2 −36b−1)t^2     +2(90b^2 −185b+27)t    +(60b^3 −125b^2 +54b+((36c^2 )/5))   = 0      .....(★)  let  5(48b^2 −36b−1)^2       =72(90b^2 −185b+27)  Nice eq. I saw the exact answer   and ran away asap..!  otherwise let→    48b^2 −36b−1=0  ⇒  3(4b)^2 −9(4b)−1=0    4b=(3/2)±(√((9/4)+(1/3)))    b=((6±(√(62)))/(16))  Now   P =90b^2 −185b+27                = 540b+15−185b+27    =355b+42  The positive b=((6+(√(62)))/(16))  should lead to the answer..  (3/4)α^2 =4+qr     ∀  qr>−4  qr= 4(A^2 −1)       =4(t+b−1)  ⇒  t >−b        and i checked that for  chosen b, t>0>−b  b is known, we get t from(★)


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