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Question Number 143751 by help last updated on 17/Jun/21

Answered by TheHoneyCat last updated on 17/Jun/21

let R_0 =r  I will right R_(ijk)  for the total resistance of i,j and k...    R_(34) =((R_3 R_4 )/(R_3 +R_4 ))  R_(234) =R_2 +R_(34)   R_(1234) =((R_1 R_(234) )/(R_1 +R_(234) ))=((R_1 (R_2 +R_(34) ))/(R_1 +R_2 +R_(34) ))=((R_1 (R_2 +((R_3 R_4 )/(R_3 +R_4 ))))/(R_1 +R_2 +((R_3 R_4 )/(R_3 +R_4 ))))  R_(012345) =R_0 +R_5 +((R_1 R_2 (R_3 +R_4 )+R_1 R_3 R_4 )/((R_3 +R_4 )(R_1 +R_2 )+R_3 R_4 ))  R_(012345) =(((R_0 +R_5 )((R_3 +R_4 )(R_1 +R_2 )+R_3 R_4 )+R_1 R_2 (R_3 +R_4 )+R_1 R_3 R_4 )/((R_3 +R_4 )(R_1 +R_2 )+R_3 R_4 ))    and I=(δ/R_(012345) )=((δ(R_3 +R_4 )(R_1 +R_2 )+δR_3 R_5 )/((r+R_5 )((R_3 +R_4 )(R_1 +R_2 )+R_3 R_4 )+R_1 R_2 (R_3 +R_4 )+R_1 R_3 R_4 ))    please do forgive me for not computing the values  I′m too tired to keep on.    ≎•(


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 18/Jun/21

Vous êtes merveilleux. Heureux de vous avoir parmi nous, monsieur��

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 18/Jun/21

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 18/Jun/21

Je vous ai longtemps observé et vos différentes solutions aux exercices envoyés dans ce forum. Bravo !

Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 18/Jun/21

Merci, que de compliments. Mais il n'y a rien qui le mérite sur cette question. J'avais juste beaucoup trop de temps à perdre.��

Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 18/Jun/21

Non, je suis en prépa MP, et je ne voulais juste pas aller me coucher. �� Si j'avais été un vrai physicien, j'aurais précisé que r<<R5 ce qui aurait un peu simplifié le calcul. Et surtout, je n'aurai pas oublié de faire l'application numérique.

Commented by ArielVyny last updated on 18/Jun/21

vous êtes physicien?

vous êtes physicien?

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 18/Jun/21

Translate !!


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 18/Jun/21

  Well, since it is asked so nicely.  I was very nicely complimented.  I answered it was′nt much  I was then asked if I happed to be a physicist.  I said I was′nt.  I also made the folowing joke:  One could have guessed it,  for I forgot to mention that r≪R_5   and also forgot to give the numerical result  two unforgivable miktakes a real physicist would not do.    Sorry this made you panic,  had it been a usefull information I would naturaly have translated it  but as you can see, it′s just chatting...  ;•)


Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 18/Jun/21

A cat sleeps 16−20 hours in a day. Thus that cat   doesn′t get time to learn French.You are  Honey cat  and i am sleepy cat


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 18/Jun/21

Hahaha ! তুমি মজার

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 18/Jun/21

😂😂তারা এখনও বুঝতে পারে।  তবে এটি আরও কিছু প্রচেষ্টা দাবি করবে।

😂😂তারা এখনও বুঝতে পারে। তবে এটি আরও কিছু প্রচেষ্টা দাবি করবে।

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