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Question Number 145286 by physicstutes last updated on 03/Jul/21

Given the function   f(x) =((6x^2 −x^3 ))^(1/3)   Find the oblique assymptote(s) of the function.


Answered by Olaf_Thorendsen last updated on 04/Jul/21

f(x) = ((6x^2 −x^3 ))^(1/3)   f(x) = −x((1−(6/x)))^(1/3)   f(x) ∼_∞  −x(1+(1/3)(−(6/x)))  f(x) ∼_∞  −x+2


Commented by physicstutes last updated on 04/Jul/21

Thanks sir but my textbook came up with this argument which  makes me confused.  f(x) = ((6x^2 −x^3 ))^(1/3)   f(x) = ∣x∣(((6/x)−1))^(1/3)    as x →±∞,  f(x) →−x hence y = −x is an oblique  asymptote.  How true is that sirs?


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 04/Jul/21

lim_(x→∞) ((f(x))/x)=lim_(x→∞) ^3 (√((−x^3 +6x^2 )/x^3 ))=lim_(x→∞) (√(−1+(6/x)))=−1  lim_(x→∞) f(x)+x =lim_(x→∞) x+^3 (√(6x^2 −x^3 ))  we have (−x^3  +6x^2 )^(1/3)  =−x(1−(6/x))^(1/3)  ∼−x(1−(2/x))=−x+2 ⇒  f(x)+x∼2 ⇒y=−x+2 is assymptote oblique for C_f


Answered by imjagoll last updated on 04/Jul/21

let y=mx+c oblique asymptotes  (1) m=lim_(x→∞)  (y/x) = lim_(x→∞)  (((6x^2 −x^3 ))^(1/3) /x)   = lim_(x→∞)  (((6x^2 −x^3 ))^(1/3) /( (x^3 )^(1/3) )) = −1  (2) c = lim_(x→−∞) (y−mx)    c = lim_(x→−∞)  (((6x^2 −x^3 ))^(1/3) + x    c = lim_(x→−∞)  −x (((−6x^(−1) +1))^(1/3)  −1)   c = lim_(t→0)  ((((6t+1))^(1/3) −1)/t) ,[− x=(1/t) ]   c = lim_(t→0) ((6t)/t) × lim_(t→0)  (1/( (((6t+1)^2 ))^(1/3) +1+((6t+1))^(1/3) ))   c = 6 ×(1/3)= 2  thus oblique asymptotes is    y =−x+2


Commented by imjagoll last updated on 04/Jul/21

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