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Question Number 146758 by tabata last updated on 15/Jul/21

find forier series to half rang of   f(x)=sinx  ,0<x<π and prove that  Σ_(n=1) ^∞ (1/(4n^2 −1))=(1/2)

findforierseriestohalfrangof f(x)=sinx,0<x<πandprovethat n=114n21=12

Answered by Olaf_Thorendsen last updated on 15/Jul/21

S_N  = Σ_(n=1) ^N (1/(4n^2 −1)) = (1/2)Σ_(n=1) ^N ((1/(2n−1))−(1/(2n+1)))  S_N  = (1/2)Σ_(n=1) ^N (1−(1/(2N+1)))  ⇒ S_∞  = (1/2)

SN=Nn=114n21=12Nn=1(12n112n+1) SN=12Nn=1(112N+1) S=12

Commented bytabata last updated on 15/Jul/21

and forier sir ?


Answered by Olaf_Thorendsen last updated on 15/Jul/21

  f(x) = sinx, 0<x<π  a_0  = (2/π)∫_0 ^π f(x) dx = (2/π)∫_0 ^π sinx dx  a_0  = (2/π)[−cosx]_0 ^π  = (4/π)  a_1  = (2/π)∫_0 ^π sinxcos dx = (1/π)∫_0 ^π sin(2x)dx  a_1  = 0  n > 1 :  a_n  = (2/π)∫_0 ^π f(x)cos(((nπx)/π)) dx  a_n  = (2/π)∫_0 ^π sinxcos(nx) dx  a_n  = (2/π)∫_0 ^π (1/2)[sin((n+1)x)−sin((n−1)x)] dx  a_n  = (2/π)∫_0 ^π (1/2)[sin((n+1)x)−sin((n−1)x)] dx  a_n  = (1/π)[−((cos((n+1)x))/(n+1))+((cos((n−1)x))/(n−1))]_0 ^π   a_n  = (1/π)[−(((−1)^(n+1) )/(n+1))+(((−1)^(n−1) )/(n−1))+(1/(n+1))−(1/(n−1))]  a_n  = −(2/(π(n^2 −1)))[(−1)^n +1]  sinx = (a_0 /2)+a_1 cosx+Σ_(n=2) ^∞ a_n cos(nx)  sinx = (2/π)−(2/π)Σ_(n=2) ^∞ (((−1)^n +1)/(n^2 −1))cos(nx)  n = 2m  sinx = (2/π)−(4/π)Σ_(m=1) ^∞ (1/(4m^2 −1))cos(2mx)  x = 0 :  0 = (2/π)−(4/π)Σ_(m=1) ^∞ (1/(4m^2 −1))  Σ_(m=1) ^∞ (1/(4m^2 −1)) = (1/2)

f(x)=sinx,0<x<π a0=2π0πf(x)dx=2π0πsinxdx a0=2π[cosx]0π=4π a1=2π0πsinxcosdx=1π0πsin(2x)dx a1=0 n>1: an=2π0πf(x)cos(nπxπ)dx an=2π0πsinxcos(nx)dx an=2π0π12[sin((n+1)x)sin((n1)x)]dx an=2π0π12[sin((n+1)x)sin((n1)x)]dx an=1π[cos((n+1)x)n+1+cos((n1)x)n1]0π an=1π[(1)n+1n+1+(1)n1n1+1n+11n1] an=2π(n21)[(1)n+1] sinx=a02+a1cosx+n=2ancos(nx) sinx=2π2πn=2(1)n+1n21cos(nx) n=2m sinx=2π4πm=114m21cos(2mx) x=0: 0=2π4πm=114m21 m=114m21=12

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