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Question Number 146761 by tabata last updated on 15/Jul/21

Solve the partial defferintial equation  u_t =a^2 u_(xx)    ,0<x<L ,t>0    u(0,t)=0  and u(L,t)=0  and u_x (x,0)=f(x)

Solvethepartialdefferintialequation ut=a2uxx,0<x<L,t>0 u(0,t)=0andu(L,t)=0andux(x,0)=f(x)

Commented bytabata last updated on 15/Jul/21



Answered by Olaf_Thorendsen last updated on 15/Jul/21

u_t  = a^2 u_(xx)    (1)  In physics, the two variables t  (the time) and x (the distance)  are always separated :  u(x) = A(t)B(x)  (1) : A′(t)B(x) = a^2 A(t)B′′(x)  ⇒ ((A′(t))/(A(t))) = a^2 ((B′′(x))/(B(x)))  A function of t (left) is equal to a  function of x (right). As t and x are  independent, necessarily it′s a constant   ((A′(t))/(A(t))) = a^2 ((B′′(x))/(B(x))) = constant C_1     (2)  (2) :  ((A′(t))/(A(t))) = C_1  ⇒ A(t) = C_2 e^(C_1 t)   In the real life, C_1 <0 because there is  a dissipation of energy. Let C_1  = −w^2   A(t) = C_2 e^(−w^2 t)   (2) : ((B′′(x))/(B(x))) = (C_1 /a^2 ) = −(w^2 /a^2 )  B′′(x)+(ω^2 /a^2 )B(x) = 0  B(x) = αcos((w/a)x)+βsin((w/a)x)  u(0,t) = 0 ⇒ B(0) = 0 ⇒ α = 0  u(L,t) = 0 ⇒ B(L) = 0  ⇒ βsin(((wL)/a)) = 0 ⇒ ((wL)/a) = 2π  w = ((2πa)/L)  B(x) = βsin(((2πx)/L)) and A(t) = C_2 e^(−((4π^2 a^2 )/L^2 )t)   u(x,t) = A(t)B(x)  u(x,t) = C_2 e^(−((4π^2 a^2 )/L^2 )t) βsin(((2πx)/L))  u(x,t) = C_3 e^(−((4π^2 a^2 )/L^2 )t) sin(((2πx)/L))  u_x (x,t) = ((2π)/L)C_3 e^(−((4π^2 a^2 )/L^2 )t) cos(((2πx)/L))  u_x (x,0) = f(x)  ⇒ ((2π)/L)C_3 cos(((2πx)/L)) = f(x)  ⇒ C_3  = (L/(2π)).((f(x))/(cos(((2πx)/L))))  Finally :  u(x,t) = (L/(2π))e^(−((4π^2 a^2 )/L^2 )t) f(x)tan(((2πx)/L))

ut=a2uxx(1) Inphysics,thetwovariablest (thetime)andx(thedistance) arealwaysseparated: u(x)=A(t)B(x) (1):A(t)B(x)=a2A(t)B(x) A(t)A(t)=a2B(x)B(x) Afunctionoft(left)isequaltoa functionofx(right).Astandxare independent,necessarilyitsaconstant A(t)A(t)=a2B(x)B(x)=constantC1(2) (2):A(t)A(t)=C1A(t)=C2eC1t Inthereallife,C1<0becausethereis adissipationofenergy.LetC1=w2 A(t)=C2ew2t (2):B(x)B(x)=C1a2=w2a2 B(x)+ω2a2B(x)=0 B(x)=αcos(wax)+βsin(wax) u(0,t)=0B(0)=0α=0 u(L,t)=0B(L)=0 βsin(wLa)=0wLa=2π w=2πaL B(x)=βsin(2πxL)andA(t)=C2e4π2a2L2t u(x,t)=A(t)B(x) u(x,t)=C2e4π2a2L2tβsin(2πxL) u(x,t)=C3e4π2a2L2tsin(2πxL) ux(x,t)=2πLC3e4π2a2L2tcos(2πxL) ux(x,0)=f(x) 2πLC3cos(2πxL)=f(x) C3=L2π.f(x)cos(2πxL) Finally: u(x,t)=L2πe4π2a2L2tf(x)tan(2πxL)

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