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Question Number 152771 by Tawa11 last updated on 01/Sep/21

If    f(z)   =    z sin(z)   +   ∣z∣^2 ,       verify if   f(z)   satisfy cauchy rieman  condition


Commented by alisiao last updated on 01/Sep/21

f(z)= z sin(z) + z z^_     f(z) = (x + iy ) sin(x+iy) + x^2 −y^2     f(z)= (x +iy)[ sin(x) cos(iy) + cos(x) sin(iy)] + x^2 −y^2     f(z)=(x+iy) [  sin(x) cosh(y) + i cos(x) sinh(y)]+x^2 −y^2     f(z)= (x sin(x)cosh(y) − y cos(x)sinh(y) +x^2 −y^2  ] + i [ y sin(x) cosh(y) +x cos(x)sinh(y)]    U(x,y) = x sin(x) cosh(y) − y cos(x)sinh(y) +x^2 −y^2     V (x,y) = y sin(x)cosh(y) + x cos(y)sinh(y)    U_x  = x cos(x) cosh(y) +sin(x) cosh(y) + y sin(x) sinh(y) + 2x    U_y  = y sin(x) sinh(y)+sin(x) cosh(y) − y cos(x) cosh(y) − cos(x) sinh(y) − 2y    V_x  = y cos(x) cosh(y) + cos(y) sinh(y)    V_y  = y sin(x) sinh(y)+sin(x) cosh(y)+x cos(y) cosh(y) − x sin(y) cosh (y)    ∵ U_x  ≠ V _y         , U_y  ≠ − V_x     ∴ f(z) is dont satisfy cauchy rieman condition    ⟨ M . T ⟩


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 01/Sep/21

God bless you sir. I appreciate your time


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