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Question Number 155075 by mr W last updated on 24/Sep/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Sep/21

with exactly n turns. (1≤n≤15)  the example above shows a route  with 7 turns.


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 25/Sep/21

I will love to see sir


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 25/Sep/21

What of general formular for     m  ×  n     grid.  What is the generalization


Commented by qaz last updated on 25/Sep/21

 (((n+m)),((  m)) )


Answered by mr W last updated on 25/Sep/21

there are totally 16 steps in a route,   8 times rightwards and  8 times downwards.  such that a route has exactly n turns,  these 16 steps must be arranged in  n+1 groups. in each group the steps  have the same direction, i.e. either   rightwards or downwards.  G_1 G_2 G_3 ...G_(n+1)   G_1 ,G_3 ,G_5 ,... groups with steps rightwards  G_2 ,G_4 ,G_6 ,... groups with steps downwards  or  G_1 ,G_3 ,G_5 ,... groups with steps downwards  G_2 ,G_4 ,G_6 ,... groups with steps rightwards    say the number of steps in G_k  is g_k ,  g_1 +g_3 +g_5 +...=8   ..(i)  we have m such groups, with m=⌊(n/2)⌋+1.  g_2 +g_4 +g_6 +...=8   ..(ii)  we have n+1−m such groups.    using stars & bars method we get  for (i) there are C_(m−1) ^7  ways,   for (ii) there are C_(n−m) ^7  ways.   totally there are 2C_(m−1) ^7 C_(n−m) ^7  ways.    so the number of routes with exactly  n turns is 2C_(⌊(n/2)⌋) ^7 C_(n−1−⌊(n/2)⌋) ^7 .    n=1:   2C_0 ^7 C_0 ^7 =2 routes  n=2:   2C_1 ^7 C_0 ^7 =14 routes  n=3:   2C_1 ^7 C_1 ^7 =98 routes  n=4:   2C_2 ^7 C_1 ^7 =294 routes  n=5:   2C_2 ^7 C_2 ^7 =872 routes  n=6:   2C_3 ^7 C_2 ^7 =1470 routes  n=7:   2C_3 ^7 C_3 ^7 =2450 routes  n=8:   2C_4 ^7 C_3 ^7 =2450 routes  n=9:   2C_4 ^7 C_4 ^7 =2450 routes  n=10:   2C_5 ^7 C_4 ^7 =1470 routes  n=11:   2C_5 ^7 C_5 ^7 =882 routes  n=12:   2C_6 ^7 C_5 ^7 =294 routes  n=13:   2C_6 ^7 C_6 ^7 =98 routes  n=14:   2C_7 ^7 C_6 ^7 =14 routes  n=15:   2C_7 ^7 C_7 ^7 =2 routes  _____________________  Σ_(n=1) ^(15)  all:         12870 routes  check: C_8 ^(16) =((16!)/(8!8!))=12870 ✓


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