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Question Number 155257 by mr W last updated on 27/Sep/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Sep/21

the grid has m×n steps.  find the number of routes with k  turns.


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Sep/21

it is to find the number of routes  with exactly k turns. the example  shows a route with 7 turns. the grid  is generally of size m×n.


Commented by bemath last updated on 28/Sep/21

 C_( 8) ^( 18) = C_(10) ^(18) = 43758  required number of routes  is a number of ways of taking  m right turns (or n down turns)


Commented by mathdanisur last updated on 28/Sep/21

bemath = benjo qoarto gultom)  this solution does not apply to you..  this solution #lekraj beedassy is the solution..

bemath=benjoqoartogultom)thissolutiondoesnotapplytoyou..You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode

Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Sep/21

please explain what you mean!


Answered by TheHoneyCat last updated on 29/Sep/21

If n+m−k>0:  there are 2.(k+1)^(n+m−(k+1))  routes    if not there arn′t any.    (proof down below, sorry for not typing it  but I feel like the drawings help the   understanding)


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 29/Sep/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Sep/21

for k=1 there are two routes. but you  get 2×(1+1)^(n+m−2) =2^(n+m−1) !


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 29/Sep/21

Damn it! You are right...    I have forgotten that the constraint on  length and turns is not an equivalence...  I am counting both:  →↓↓↓ & →→↓↓    My method can still be modified without  a lot of work to get the correct solution  I must make a distinction betwee “→”  and “↓”   But I am quite too tired to do it now.  (I live in Europe)  This weekend maybe...    Sorry for not double checking


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