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Question Number 155856 by peter frank last updated on 05/Oct/21

How many natural number from  1 to 900 which are not divisible  2,3 and 5


Answered by TheSupreme last updated on 05/Oct/21

2,3 and  m.c.m(2,3 and 5)=30  D_(30=) ⌊900/30⌋=30    2,3 or 5  D_2 =⌊900/2⌋=450  D_3 =⌊900/3⌋=300  D_5 =⌊900/5⌋=180  D_6 =⌊900/6⌋=150  D_(10) =...=90  D_(15) =80  D_(30) =30  D_(2,3 or 5) =450+300+180−150−90−80+30=  =640


Commented by puissant last updated on 05/Oct/21

Sir you use which formula.?


Answered by mr W last updated on 05/Oct/21

numbers divisible by 30:  ⌊((900)/(30))⌋=30  numbers divisible by 6:  ⌊((900)/6)⌋−30=120  numbers divisible by 10:  ⌊((900)/(10))⌋−30=60  numbers divisible by 15:  ⌊((900)/(15))⌋−30=30  numbers divisible by 2:  ⌊((900)/2)⌋−30−120−60=240  numbers divisible by 3:  ⌊((900)/3)⌋−30−120−30=120  numbers divisible by 5:  ⌊((900)/5)⌋−30−60−30=60  total numbers divisible by 2,3,5:  30+120+60+30+240+120+60=660    numbers not divisible by 2,3,5:  900−660=240


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Oct/21

⌊((900)/7)⌋=128 means there are 128  numbers from 1 to 900 which are  divisible by 7.


Commented by puissant last updated on 05/Oct/21

Sir you use which formula..?


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Oct/21

i used no special formula.


Commented by puissant last updated on 05/Oct/21

Thanks sir..


Commented by peter frank last updated on 06/Oct/21

which is correct  640 or 240 ?


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Oct/21

try to understand the solution, then  you can know what is the correct   answer.


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