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Question Number 157272 by zakirullah last updated on 21/Oct/21

for solving equation which one we use  ⇒ and =, i mean where we use ⇒ and where we use, =  and where we use one of them to  consider wrong.


Answered by TheHoneyCat last updated on 21/Oct/21

  When you write a sentence S_(1 ) that can be  either true or false,   for example “It is raining” or “I am wet”  or “x is a solution to the equation” or “the  function f is linear”  It is usulay assumed you belive that S_1  is true    So if I write  x=blabla_1   =blabla_2   =blabla_3     I, in fact, mean that  “x=blabla_1 ”  and that “x=blabla_2 ”  and that “x=blabla_3 ”    This is  the most common use of the sign “=”      “⇔” is very different, it is not simply used in  sentences, like “=”, it is used to make  sentences about other sentences.  “S_1 ⇔S_2 ” means that the sentence S_1  is true  if S_2  is and wrong if S_2  is.    So during a math proof (or any speech about  some math), you may use it to this purpose.    For example  if  x^2 =2  you don′t know if “x=−(√2)” or not  it could be true, because “(−(√2))^2 =2” is true  but x could also be +(√2)  so you migth write someting as  “x≤0⇔x=−(√2)” and “x≥0⇔x=(√2)”      Now that migth see quite useless, but it is  very usefull when you want to solve a  question like:  Does x=y?  you might then write:  x=y⇔x−y=0  ⇔blabla_1   ⇔blabla_2   ⇔blabla_3   and then you check if blabla3 is true or not


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 21/Oct/21

Here is an example:  (my answere in blue)  Find all the positive solutions x of the  following equation:  3x^3 +4x^2 −5x=2     3x^3 +4x^2 −5x=2  ⇔3x^3 +4x^2 −5x−2=0    But, I also know that:  (3x+1)(x−1)(x+2)  =(3x+1)(x^2 +2x−x−2)  =(3x+1)(x^2 +x−2)  =3x^3 +3x^2 −6x+x^2 +x−2  =3x^3 +4x^2 −5x−2    So,  3x^3 +4x^2 −5x=2  ⇔(3x+1)(x−1)(x+2)=0  ⇔3x+1=0 or x−1=0 or x+2=0   because if a product is 0, one of its numbers is  too    3x+1=0⇔x=((−1)/3)  x−1=0⇔x=1  x+2=0⇔x=−2    So:  3x^3 +4x^2 −5x=2 ⇔ x∈{1,−2,−1/3}    And since x must be pisitive, the solution  is : x=1        See the difference?


Commented by zakirullah last updated on 21/Oct/21



Answered by talminator2856791 last updated on 22/Oct/21

 i think this is one interpretation:        a = b   same mathematical object        a ⇒ b   b ⇒ a   different mathematical objects       dependant on each other.


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