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Question Number 158955 by mr W last updated on 11/Nov/21

Answered by mr W last updated on 15/Nov/21

let′s look at the general case with n  students into r schools. both students  (objects) and schools (boxes) are  distinct.  let′s say the school S_1  obtains n_1    students, the schools S_2  obtains n_2   students, etc.  n_1 +n_2 +n_3 +...+n_r =n  1) no restriction: n_1 ≥0, n_2 ≥0, etc.  2) each schools obtains at least one  student: n_1 ≥1, n_2 ≥1, etc.    to distribute n students into r schools  such that S_1  obtains n_1  students,  S_2  obtains n_2  students, etc. and  S_r  obtains n_r  students, there are  C_n_1  ^n C_n_2  ^(n−n_1 ) ...C_n_r  ^(n−n_1 −n_2 −...−n_(r−1) )  ways,  which is  ((n!)/(n!(n−n_1 )!))×(((n−n_1 )!)/(n_2 !(n−n_1 −n_2 )!))×...×(((n−n_1 −n_2 −...−n_(r−1) )!)/(n_r !0!)),  i.e. ((n!)/(n_1 !n_2 !n_3 !...n_r !)) ways.  using generating function method  we can see that  for case 1)  number of ways is the coef. of x^n  in  n!(1+(x/(1!))+(x^2 /(2!))+(x^3 /(3!))+...)^r   =n!(e^x )^r   =n!e^(rx)   =n!(1+((rx)/(1!))+((r^2 x^2 )/(2!))+((r^3 x^3 )/(3!))+...)  coef. of x^n  is n!×(r^n /(n!))=r^n .  that means there are r^n  ways to  distribute n students into r schools  without restriction.  for case 2)  number of ways is the coef. of x^n  in  n!((x/(1!))+(x^2 /(2!))+(x^3 /(3!))+...)^r   =n!(e^x −1)^r   =n!Σ_(k=0) ^r (−1)^k C_k ^r (e^x )^(r−k)   =n!Σ_(k=0) ^r {(−1)^k C_k ^r [1+(((r−k)x)/(1!))+(((r−k)^2 x^2 )/(2!))+...]}  the coef. of x^n  is  n!Σ_(k=0) ^r [(−1)^k C_k ^r (((r−k)^n )/(n!))]  =Σ_(k=0) ^r (−1)^k C_k ^r (r−k)^n   = r^n −C_1 ^r (r−1)^n +C_2 ^r (r−2)^n −...+(−1)^(r−1) C_(r−1) ^r

letslookatthegeneralcasewithnstudentsintorschools.bothstudents(objects)andschools(boxes)aredistinct.letssaytheschoolS1obtainsn1students,theschoolsS2obtainsn2students,etc.n1+n2+n3+...+nr=n1)norestriction:n10,n20,etc.2)eachschoolsobtainsatleastonestudent:n11,n21,etc.todistributenstudentsintorschoolssuchthatS1obtainsn1students,S2obtainsn2students,etc.andSrobtainsnrstudents,thereareCn1nCn2nn1...Cnrnn1n2...nr1ways,whichisn!n!(nn1)!×(nn1)!n2!(nn1n2)!×...×(nn1n2...nr1)!nr!0!,i.e.n!n1!n2!n3!!ways.usinggeneratingfunctionmethodwecanseethatMissing \left or extra \rightnumberofwaysisthecoef.ofxninn!(1+x1!+x22!+x33!+...)r=n!(ex)r=n!erx=n!(1+rx1!+r2x22!+r3x33!+...)coef.ofxnisn!×rnn!=rn.thatmeanstherearernwaystodistributenstudentsintorschoolswithoutrestriction.Missing \left or extra \rightnumberofwaysisthecoef.ofxninn!(x1!+x22!+x33!+...)r=n!(ex1)r=n!rk=0(1)kCkr(ex)rk=n!rk=0{(1)kCkr[1+(rk)x1!+(rk)2x22!+...]}thecoef.ofxnisn!rk=0[(1)kCkr(rk)nn!]=rk=0(1)kCkr(rk)n=rnC1r(r1)n+C2r(r2)n...+(1)r1Cr1r

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 11/Nov/21

Great sir.


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Nov/21

example: 10 students into 5 schools  n=10, r=5  1) no restriction  number of ways =5^(10) =9 765 625  2) at least one student in each school  number of ways is  5^(10) −4^(10) C_1 ^5 +3^(10) C_2 ^5 −2^(10) C_3 ^5 +C_4 ^5   =5^(10) −5×4^(10) +10×3^(10) −10×2^(10) +5  =5 103 000


Commented by last updated on 12/Nov/21

more blessing prof!


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