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Question Number 159029 by last updated on 12/Nov/21

 In a box of marbles, the ratio of red  marble to total marble is 2 :5, the   ratio of green marble to the total   marble is 3:10 . If the marbles that are  neither red nor green are blue, how   many marbles are in the box if there  are 40 marbles in the box


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Nov/21

please recheck the last sentence in the  question!  if there are 40 marbles in the box,  then certainly there are 40 marbles  in the box.  maybe you wanted to ask how many  blue marbles are in the box. then the  answer is:  number of red marbles: (2/5)×40=16  number of green marbles: (3/(10))×40=12  number of remaining (blue) marbles:   40−16−12=12  ⇒12 blue marbles are in the box.


Commented by last updated on 12/Nov/21

exactly prof you are very powerful   May the Almigty Allah bless you!


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