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Question Number 159122 by physicstutes last updated on 13/Nov/21

In order to monitor buses in a travel  agency, the manager decides to monitor  the number of break downs of the buses  using the sequence {x_n } defined by  x_(n+1)  = 1.05 x_n  + 4. Given that x_0  = 40.  is the number of break downs by the buses  from the 1^(st)  of january 2000, and that  for every n∈N, we denote x_n  the number  of breakdowns of the buses as from 1^(st)   of january of the year (2000 + n)  (a) Calculate x_1 , x_2  , x_3   (b) Consider the sequence {y_n } defined  by y_n  = x_n  + 80 for all n ∈ N  (i) express y_(n+1)  in terms of y_n  and  deduce the nature of the sequence {y_n }.  (ii) Express y_n  in terms of n. deduce x_n   in terms of n  (iv) find the number of break downs  that will be registered by 1^(st)  january   2021.


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