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Question Number 159556 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 18/Nov/21

    prove that:        2∤ a ⇒ 240∣ a^( 5)  − a


Answered by floor(10²Eta[1]) last updated on 18/Nov/21

240=2^4 .3.5  •by fermat: a^5 ≡a(mod5)⇒5∣a^5 −a  •a^5 −a=a(a^4 −1)=a(a^2 −1)(a^2 +1)  =(a−1)a(a+1)(a^2 +1), but since this has  a product of three consecutive numbers  it has to be multiple of 3⇒3∣a^5 −a  •now, a^5 −a=a(a^2 −1)(a^2 +1), since a is odd,  a=2k+1∴a^5 −a=(2k+1)((2k+1)^2 −1)((2k+1)^2 +1)  =(2k+1)(4k^2 +4k)(4k^2 +4k+2)  =8(2k+1)(k^2 +k)(2k^2 +2k+1), so this  is a multiple of 8⇒if we show that   (2k+1)(k^2 +k)(2k^2 +2k+1) is even, we′re done  but (2k+1)(k^2 +k)(2k^2 +2k+1)  =(2k+1)k(k+1)(2k^2 +2k+1) has a product  of two consecutive numbers, so it′s divisible by 2  ⇒16∣a^5 −a  16.3.5=240∣a^5 −a


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 19/Nov/21

thanks alot ..very nice ali


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 19/Nov/21

 •240∣a^( 5) −a⇔ { ((16∣ a^( 5) −a)),((   3∣ a^( 5) −a)),((   5∣ a^( 5) −a)) :}[∵ 240=16.3.5]   •a^5 −a=a(a−1)(a+1)(a^2 +1)  (i)To prove:16∣ a^( 5)  − a  a∈O: a may be either 4k+1 or 4k+3  a=4k+1:  a^5 −a=a(a−1)(a+1)(a^2 +1)         =(4k+1)(4k)(4k+2)(16k^2 +8k+2)  =16(4k+1)(k)(2k+1)(8k^2 +4k+1)  a=4k+3:  a^5 −a=(4k+3)(4k+2)(4k+4)(16k^2 +24k+10)  =16(4k+3)(2k+1)(k+1)(8k^2 +12k+5)  ∴ 16∣a^5 −a    determinant ((( 16∣a^5 −a)))...............A  (ii)To prove:3∣ a^( 5)  − a  a=3k→3∣a  a=3k+1→3∣a−1  a=3k+2→3∣a+1  ∴ 3 ∣a^5 −a   determinant (((3 ∣a^5 −a))).................B  (iii)To prove:5∣ a^( 5)  − a  a=5k→5∣a  a=5k+1→5∣a−1  a=5k+2→5∣a^2 +1  a=5k+3→5∣a^2 +1  a=5k+4→5∣a+1  ∴ 5∣a^5 −a   determinant (((5∣a^5 −a))).................C  From A,B & C:            determinant (((240∣a^5 −a^((16.3.5)∣a^5 −a_(OR) ) )))


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 19/Nov/21

excellent sir Rasheed


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