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Question Number 162471 by mr W last updated on 29/Dec/21

[reposted]  find ∫_( 0) ^( (𝛑/2))  sin^8 (x)dx + ∫_( 0) ^( 1)  sin^(-1) ((x)^(1/8) ) dx=?


Answered by Ar Brandon last updated on 30/Dec/21

I=∫_0 ^(Ο€/2) sin^8 xdx+∫_0 ^1 sin^(βˆ’1) ((x)^(1/8) )dx  I_1 =∫_0 ^(Ο€/2) sin^8 xdx , I_2 =∫_0 ^1 sin^(βˆ’1) ((x)^(1/8) )dx  I_2 =∫_0 ^1 sin^(βˆ’1) ((x)^(1/8) )dx , x=t^8 β‡’dx=8t^7 dt       =8∫_0 ^1 t^7 sin^(βˆ’1) (t)dt,  { ((u(t)=sin^(βˆ’1) (t))),((vβ€²(t)=t^7 )) :}β‡’ { ((uβ€²(t)=(1/( (√(1βˆ’t^2 )))))),((v(t)=(1/8)t^8 )) :}       =[t^8 sin^(βˆ’1) (t)]_0 ^1 βˆ’βˆ«_0 ^1 (t^8 /( (√(1βˆ’t^2 ))))dt, t=sinΟ‘β‡’dt=cosΟ‘dΟ‘       =(Ο€/2)βˆ’βˆ«^(Ο€/2) _0 sin^8 Ο‘dΟ‘=(Ο€/2)βˆ’βˆ«_0 ^(Ο€/2) sin^8 xdx=(Ο€/2)βˆ’I_1   I=I_1 +I_2 =I_1 +(Ο€/2)βˆ’I_1 =(Ο€/2)


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 30/Dec/21

Thanks Sir. Corrected ! Itβ€²s okay now.


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 29/Dec/21

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 29/Dec/21

No, Sir.


Commented by mr W last updated on 30/Dec/21

thanks for confirming sir!


Answered by mr W last updated on 29/Dec/21

we can solve this integral without  calculating it.


Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Dec/21

we want to find I=I_1 +I_2  with   I_1 =∫_0 ^(Ο€/2) sin^8  x dx   I_2 =∫_0 ^1 sin^(βˆ’1) ((x)^(1/8) ) dx  now we apply method above to find  I_2 =∫_0 ^1 sin^(βˆ’1) ((x)^(1/8) )dx  y=f(x)=sin^(βˆ’1) ((x)^(1/8) )   β‡’x=sin^8  (y)=f^(βˆ’1) (y)  x∈[0,1] β‡’y∈[0,(Ο€/2)]  I_2 =∫_0 ^1 sin^(βˆ’1) ((x)^(1/8) )dx       =1Γ—(Ο€/2)βˆ’βˆ«_0 ^(Ο€/2) sin^8  (y)dy       =(Ο€/2)βˆ’βˆ«_0 ^(Ο€/2) sin^8  (x)dx       =(Ο€/2)βˆ’I_1   I=I_1 +I_2 =I_1 +(Ο€/2)βˆ’I_1 =(Ο€/2) βœ“  this works even when we donβ€²t know  how to calculate the concrete integrals.    for the same reason we can get e.g.  ∫_0 ^(Ο€/2) sin^(100)  x dx+∫_0 ^1 sin^(βˆ’1) ((x)^(1/(100)) ) dx=(Ο€/2)


Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Dec/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Dec/21

geometrically ∫_0 ^a f(x)dx means the  area under the curve y=f(x). i.e.  ∫_0 ^a ydx=∫_0 ^a f(x)dx=A_1   we see A_1 =abβˆ’A_2  while A_2  is the  area under the curve x=f^(βˆ’1) (y), i.e.  A_2 =∫_0 ^b xdy=∫_0 ^b f^(βˆ’1) (y)dy.  therefore we can get  ∫_0 ^a f(x)dx=abβˆ’βˆ«_0 ^b f^(βˆ’1) (y)dy


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 30/Dec/21

Wow great sir.


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