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Question Number 162860 by Mathematification last updated on 01/Jan/22

Answered by MJS_new last updated on 01/Jan/22

f(x)=x^4 −18x^2 −x+83  g(x)=c_1 x+c_0   h(x)=f(x)−g(x)=x^4 −18x^2 −(c_1 +1)x+(83−c_0 )  we know h(x) must have 2 minima m_1 , m_2   and 1 maximum at x=((m_1 +m_2 )/2)  ⇒  h′(x)=C(x−m_1 )(x−m_2 )(x−((m_1 +m_2 )/2))=0  ⇔  x^3 −((3(m_1 +m_2 ))/2)x^2 +((m_1 ^2 +4m_1 m_2 +m_2 ^3 )/2)x−((m_1 (m_1 +m_2 )m_2 )/2)=0  but  h′(x)=4x^3 −36x−(c_1 +1)  ⇒  x^3 −9x−((c_1 +1)/4)=0  ⇒  −((3(m_1 +m_2 ))/2)=0 ⇒ m_2 =−m_1   ⇒  h(x)=x^3 −m_1 ^2 x=0 ⇒ m_1 =±3∧c_1 =−1  ⇒ g(x) touches f(x) at x=±3  now we easily get the tangent  g(x)=−x+2


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 02/Jan/22

Great sir.


Answered by mr W last updated on 02/Jan/22

curve: y=f(x)=x^4 −18x^2 −x+83  say the tangent line is y=g(x)=ax+b  the difference of them,say h(x), with  h(x)=x^4 −18x^2 −(1+a)x+(83−b)  must be a curve like this:


Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Jan/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Jan/22

let′s have a close look at it.  the curve has two zeros, say p and q.  at these two points the curve tangents  also the x−axis. that means at these  two points the curve has minimum  which is also zero.  we can assume then  h(x)=(x−p)(x−q)(x^2 +ux+v)  h′(x)=(x−p)(x−q)(2x+u)+(2x−p−q)(x^2 +ux+v)  we have  h′(p)=(p−q)(p^2 +up+v)=0   ⇒p^2 +up+v=0  h′(q)=(q−p)(q^2 +uq+v)=0   ⇒q^2 +uq+v=0  that means p, q are also roots of  x^2 +ux+v=0, i.e.  x^2 +ux+v=(x−p)(x−q).  therefore  h(x)=(x−p)(x−q)(x^2 +ux+v)  ⇒h(x)=(x−p)^2 (x−q)^2   h′(x)=4(x−p)(x−q)(x−((p+q)/2))  that means h′(x)=0 at x=r=((p+q)/2).  this is the point where the curve h(x)  has local maximum.    using these knowledges:  h(x)=x^4 −18x^2 −(1+a)x+(83−b)  h′(x)=4(x^3 −9x−((1+a)/4))=0  (x^3 −9x−((1+a)/4))=(x−p)(x−q)(x−((p+q)/2))  p+q+((p+q)/2)=0 ⇒p+q=0  pq+(p+q)((p+q)/2)=−9 ⇒pq=−9  ((pq(p+q))/2)=((1+a)/4) ⇒a=−1  ⇒p=3, q=−3  h(3)=h(−3)=0  ⇒3^4 −18×3^2 +83−b=0 ⇒b=2    ⇒the tangent line is y=−x+2    alternative way:  we know that h(x) should be of the  form h(x)=(x−p)^2 (x−q)^2 . that  meams if it has no x^3  term, then it  should also have no x term,   i.e. 1+a=0, or a=−1.  h(x)=x^4 −18x^2 +(83−b)=^(!) (x^2 −9^2 )^2   83−b=9^2  ⇒b=2


Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Jan/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Jan/22

basically it′s the same solution as  that from MJS sir, i just put some   more explanation.


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 02/Jan/22

Great sir


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