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Question Number 163178 by Tawa11 last updated on 04/Jan/22

Answered by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/22

mass of the balls=m  force on ball 1 at beginning=f  distance between the balls at beginning=s=1  v_(1,i,n) =velocity of ball 1 before n^(th)  collision  v_(1,f,n) =velocity of ball 1 after n^(th)  collision  v_(2,i,n) =velocity of ball 2 before n^(th)  collision  v_(2,f,n) =velocity of ball 2 after n^(th)  collision  a_n =acceleration of ball 1 after n^(th)  collision  s_n =distance between n^(th)  and (n+1)^(th)  collision    as we know, after an elastic collision   from two balls with the same mass   they just exchange their velocities, i.e.  v_(1,f,n) =v_(2,i,n)   v_(2,f,n) =v_(1,i,n)     before the 1^(st)  collision:  v_(2,i,1) =0  a_0 =(f/m)  v_(1,i,1) =(√(2sa_0 ))=(√((2sf)/m))=u say   ⇒(f/m)=(u^2 /(2s))    after the 1^(st)  collision:  v_(2,f,1) =v_(1,i,1) =u  v_(1,f,1) =v_(2,i,1) =0  after the collision the ball 1 gets a  force which is 2 times of the force  before the collision:  f_1 =2f_0 =2f  a_1 =(f_1 /m)=((2f)/m)=(u^2 /s)  say after a distand s_1  both balls  collide with each other again after  a time t.  s_1 =v_(2,f,1) t=ut  s_1 =v_(1,f,1) t+(1/2)a_1 t^2   v_(2,f,1) t=v_(1,f,1) t+(1/2)a_1 t^2   t=((2(v_(2,f,1) −v_(1,f,1) ))/a_1 )=((2s(u−0))/u^2 )=((2s)/u)  s_1 =((2s(v_(2,f,1) −v_(1,f,1) ))/u)=((2s(u−0))/u)=2s  v_(2,i,2) =v_(2,f,1) =u  v_(1,i,2) =v_(1,f,1) +a_1 t=0+(u^2 /s)×((2s)/u)=2u    after the n^(th)  collision:  v_(1,f,n) =v_(2,i,n)   v_(2,f,n) =v_(1,i,n)   f_n =2^n f  a_n =(f_n /m)=((2^n f)/m)=2^n ×(u^2 /(2s))=((2^(n−1) u^2 )/s)  say after a distance s_n  the both balls  collide with each other again after  time t.  s_n =v_(2,f,n) t  s_n =v_(1,f,n) t+(1/2)a_n t^2   v_(2,f,n) t=v_(1,f,n) t+(1/2)a_n t^2   t=((s(v_(2,f,n) −v_(1,f,n) ))/(2^(n−2) u^2 ))  s_n =((s(v_(2,f,n) −v_(1,f,n) )v_(2,f,n) )/(2^(n−2) u^2 ))  v_(2,i,n+1) =v_(2,f,n)   v_(1,i,n+1) =v_(1,f,n) +a_n t=v_(1,f,n) +((2^(n−1) u^2 )/s)×((s(v_(2,f,n) −v_(1,f,n) ))/(2^(n−2) u^2 ))  v_(1,i,n+1) =2v_(2,f,n) −v_(1,f,n)   v_(1,i,n+1) =2v_(1,i,n) −v_(1,f,n)   v_(1,i,n+1) =2v_(1,i,n) −v_(2,i,n)   v_(1,i,n+1) =2v_(1,i,n) −v_(2,f,n−1)   v_(1,i,n+1) =2v_(1,i,n) −v_(1,i,n−1)   v_(1,i,n+1) −v_(1,i,n) =v_(1,i,n) −v_(1,i,n−1)                               =v_(1,i,2) −v_(1,i,1) =2u−u=u  ⇒v_(1,i,n) =nu  ⇒v_(2,i,n) =v_(2,f,n−1) =v_(1,i,n−1) =(n−1)u  s_n =((s(v_(2,f,n) −v_(1,f,n) )v_(2,f,n) )/(2^(n−2) u^2 ))  s_n =((s(v_(1,i,n) −v_(2,i,n) )v_(1,i,n) )/(2^(n−2) u^2 ))  ⇒s_n =((snu^2 )/(2^(n−2) u^2 ))  ⇒s_n =((ns)/2^(n−2) )    total distance ball 1 has traveled till  the (n+1)^(th)  collision:  S_n =s_0 +Σ_(k=1) ^n s_k =s+Σ_(k=1) ^n ((ks)/2^(k−2) )  with s=1 m  S_n =1+4Σ_(k=1) ^n (k/2^k )  S_n =1+4(2−((n+2)/2^n ))  lim_(n→∞) S_n =1+4×2=9 m   that means after a large number of  collisions the ball 1 has traveled a   total distance of 9 m.  the sum of distances between the  collisions is 8 m.  ■


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/22

please compare with answer in book.


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 06/Jan/22

Correct sir. God bless you more. I really appreciate.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/22

do you know the answer?


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 06/Jan/22

Yes sir. The answer, they wrote    8d   at the back of the book sir.


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 06/Jan/22

So, I think they mean   8m.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/22

the question says the distance between  the balls at t=0 is 1m. if this distance  is d (or s in my workings), then the  sum of the distances between the  collisions is 8d (or 8s in my workings).


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 06/Jan/22

Yes sir. Thanks for your time.


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