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Question Number 163812 by mathlove last updated on 11/Jan/22

Answered by cortano1 last updated on 11/Jan/22

 p(x)= x^3 +1   p(4)= 65


Commented by mathlove last updated on 11/Jan/22



Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 11/Jan/22

            To whom               who liked the above post  Would you like to tell the reason of  liking please?


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Jan/22

maybe he just also wanted to know  “how”. in this forum many people  use “like” not to show that they really  like a post. i think many people give  themselves a like such that their  post can not be red flagged or for what  who knows.


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 12/Jan/22

Maybe s/he has given a like to increase  the importance of the post but ultimately  it′ll be the cause to decrease importance  of ′likes′ itself!


Answered by Ar Brandon last updated on 11/Jan/22

p(3)=28 therefore p(x) must be a non-zero polynomial.  Let p(x)=a_0 +a_1 x+a_2 x^2 +∙∙∙+a_n x^n , a_n ≠0  Suppose that p(x)+p((1/x))=p(x)p((1/x)) for all x≠0  Then Σ_(r=0) ^n a_r x^r +Σ_(r=1) ^n (a_r /x^r )=(Σ_(r=0) ^n a_r x^r )(Σ_(r=1) ^n (a_r /x^r ))  Multiplying through by x^n , we get that  Σ_(r=0) ^n a_r x^(n+r) +Σ_(r=0) ^n a_r x^(n−r) =(Σ_(r=0) ^n a_r x^r )(Σ_(r=0) ^n a_r x^(n−r) )  That is,  (a_0 x^n +a_1 x^(n+1) +∙∙∙a_n x^(2n) )+(a_0 x^n +a_1 x^(n−1) +∙∙∙+a_(n−1) x+a_n )        =(a_0 +a_1 x+∙∙∙a_n x^n )(a_0 x^n +a_1 x^(n−1) +∙∙∙+a_(n−1) x+a_n )  Equating the corresponding coefficients of powers of x,  we have           a_n =^x^0  a_0 a_n , a_(n−1) =^x^1  a_0 a_(n−1) +a_1 a_n            a_(n−2) =^x^2  a_2 a_n +a_1 a_(n−1) +a_(n−2) a_0            2a_0 =^x^n  a_0 ^2 +a_n ^2             a_n =^x^(2n)  a_0 a_n ⇒a_0 =1 (since a_n ≠0)            a_(n−1) =a_0 a_(n−1) +a_1 a_n ⇒a_1 a_n =0⇒a_1 =0            a_(n−2) =a_2 a_n +a_1 a_(n−1) +a_(n−2) a_0 ⇒a_(n−2) =a_2 a_n +a_(n−2) ⇒a_2 =0  Continuing this process, we get that a_(n−1) =0 and 2=1+a_n ^2 .  Hence a_n =±1. Therefore                                                  p(x)=1±x^n   Since we are given that p(3)=28 we have                                    28=1±3^n   Therefore p(x) cannot be 1−x^n . Thus, p(x)=1+x^n  and  28=1+3^n  and hence n=3. So p(x)=1+x^3  and p(4)=65.


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Jan/22

good solution!


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 11/Jan/22


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 11/Jan/22

Great sir


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