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Question Number 165098 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 26/Jan/22

Answered by Eulerian last updated on 26/Jan/22

 Solution:   We know that:   1^2 +2^2 +3^2 +......+n^2  = ((n(n+1)(2n+1))/6)   ∴   ((n(n+1)(2n+1))/6) = m^2    6m^2  = (n^2 +n)(2n+1)   6m^2  = 2n^3 +3n^2 +n   3m^2  = n^3 +((3n^2 )/2)+(n/2)      One can easily notice that when (m, n) = (1, 1)   the equation satisfies the condition. By transforming   the right hand side into a depressed cubic polynomial, let:   n = z − ((((3/2)))/3) = z − (1/2)      ∴   (z − (1/2))^3  + (3/2)∙(z − (1/2))^2  + (1/2)∙(z − (1/2)) = 3m^2    z^3  + ((1/2) − ((((3/2))^2 )/3))∙z + ((2((3/2))^3 −9((3/2))((1/2)))/(27)) = 3m^2    z^3  − (z/4) = 3m^2       let:   3m^2  = y^2       Notice that we now have a form of elliptic curve equation:   y^2  = z^3 −(z/4)      And from our previous solution, it works at (y, z) = (±(√3) , (3/2)) .   By building a tangent line to the elliptic curve, we have:      y′ = (d/dz) ((√(z^3 −(z/4)))) = (((12z^2 −1)/(8z^3 −2z)))∙(√(z^3 −(z/4)))      m_(tan)  = ((13(√3))/(12))      ∴   y−y_1  = m_(tan) (z−z_1 )   y = ((13(√3))/(12))∙(z − (3/2)) + (√3)      Thus, we can now see all of the possible solutions to the equation:   ((13(√3))/(12))∙(z − (3/2)) + (√3) = (√(z^3 −(z/4)))   z = ((25)/(48))      Therefore, we now have:   y^2  = (((25)/(48)))^3  − ((1/4))(((25)/(48)))   y = ± ((35(√3))/(576))      ∴   (y, z) = (± ((35(√3))/(576)), ((25)/(48))) , (±(√3) , (3/2))      By substituting back, we now have:   3m^2  = (± ((35(√3))/(576)))^2    m = ± ((35)/(576))      and       ((25)/(48)) − (1/2) = n   n = (1/(48))      ∴   (m, n) = (±1, 1), (± ((35)/(576)) , (1/(48)))         By graphing the elliptic curve and its tangent line:


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 26/Jan/22

n,m must be natural!


Answered by Sheenaynay last updated on 26/Jan/22

((n×(n+1)×(2n+1))/6)=m^2   n(n+1)(2n+1)=m^2 ×6  n=24      ∧       m=70


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