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Question Number 165600 by mr W last updated on 05/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Feb/22

attempt to Q165565


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

let μ=(b/a)≤1  A((a/(tan θ)), a)=(ma, a)  B(b, y_B )  (y_B −a)^2 +((a/(tan θ))−b)^2 =(a+b)^2   (y_B −a)^2 =a^2 (1+(1/(tan θ)))(2μ+1−(1/(tan θ)))  let m=(1/(tan θ))  y_B =a+a(√((1+m)(2μ+1−m)))  tan θ≥(a/(a+2b))=(1/(2μ+1))  θ≤(π/4)  ⇒1≤m≤2μ+1    x_P =(a/(tan θ))+a sin α=a(m+sin α)  y_P =a−a cos α=a(1−cos α)  x_Q =b−b cos β=aμ(1−cos β)  y_Q =y_B +b sin β=a[1+(√((1+m)(2μ+1−m)))+μ sin β]    area of triangle OPQ:  Δ=((x_Q y_Q )/2)+(((x_P −x_Q )(y_P +y_Q ))/2)−((x_P y_P )/2)  2Δ=x_P y_Q −x_Q y_P   2Δ=a^2 (m+sin α)(1+(√((1+m)(2μ+1−m)))+μ sin β)−a^2 μ(1−cos β)(1−cos α)  ((2Δ)/(μa^2 ))=(m+sin α)(((1+(√((1+m)(2μ+1−m))))/μ)+sin β)−(1−cos β)(1−cos α)  let Φ=((2Δ)/(μa^2 )), λ=((1+(√((1+m)(2μ+1−m))))/μ)  Φ=(m+sin α)(λ+sin β)−(1−cos β)(1−cos α)  Φ=mλ−1+λ sin α+cos α+m sin β+cos β−cos (α+β)  Φ=mλ−1+(√(1+λ^2 )) cos (α−tan^(−1) λ)+(√(1+m^2 )) cos (β−tan^(−1) m)−cos (α+β)  Φ is a function of three variables:   m, α, β.    i′ll try in geometric way:  for maiximum area of triangle OPQ,  tangent at Q must be // OP:  (1/(tan β))=(y_P /x_P )=((1−cos α)/(m+sin α))  ⇒((cos β)/(sin β))=((1−cos α)/(m+sin α))  m cos β−sin β+sin α cos β+cos α sin β=0  m cos β−sin β+sin (α+β)=0  ⇒(√(1+m^2 )) sin (β−tan^(−1) m)=sin (α+β)  (we can get the same also from (∂Φ/∂β)=0)    tangent at P must be // OQ:  tan α=(y_Q /x_Q )=((1+(√((1+m)(2μ+1−m)))+μ sin β)/(μ(1−cos β)))  ⇒((sin α)/(cos α))=((λ+sin β)/(1−cos β))  λ cos α−sin α+cos α sin β+sin α cos β=0  λ cos α−sin α+sin (α+β)=0  ⇒(√(1+λ^2 )) sin (α−tan^(−1) λ)=sin (α+β)  (we can get the same also from (∂Φ/∂α)=0)    we can see that (π/2)<α+β<π in case of  that Δ is maximum.    say (√(1+λ^2 )) sin (α−tan^(−1) λ)=(√(1+m^2 )) sin (β−tan^(−1) m)=sin (α+β)=ξ  ⇒α=tan^(−1) λ+sin^(−1) (ξ/( (√(1+λ^2 ))))  ⇒β=tan^(−1) m+sin^(−1) (ξ/( (√(1+m^2 ))))  ⇒α+β=π−sin^(−1) ξ   determinant (((sin^(−1) ξ+sin^(−1) (ξ/( (√(1+λ^2 ))))+sin^(−1) (ξ/( (√(1+m^2 ))))=π−tan^(−1) λ−tan^(−1) m)))   ...(I)    (√(1+λ^2 )) sin (α−tan^(−1) λ)=ξ  ⇒cos (α−tan^(−1) λ)=(√(1−(ξ^2 /(1+λ^2 ))))  (√(1+m^2 )) sin (β−tan^(−1) m)=ξ  ⇒cos (β−tan^(−1) m)=(√(1−(ξ^2 /(1+m^2 ))))  sin (α+β)=ξ  ⇒cos (α+β)=−(√(1−ξ^2 ))  Φ=mλ−1+(√(1+λ^2 )) cos (α−tan^(−1) λ)+(√(1+m^2 )) cos (β−tan^(−1) m)−cos (α+β)   determinant (((Φ=mλ−1+(√(1+λ^2 −ξ^2 ))+(√(1+m^2 −ξ^2 )) +(√(1−ξ^2 )))))   ...(II)


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Feb/22

the positions of the circles are defined  by the parameter m=(1/(tan θ)) with  1≤m≤2μ+1.  for a given m we can determine the  parameter ξ which defines the   positions of points P and Q on the  circles, i.e. α and β, such that Δ_(OPQ)  is   maximum relatively to the given m.  but since the equation for ξ can not be  solved analytically, i have not found  a way to determine the m for the  absolute maximum Δ_(OPQ) .


Commented by aleks041103 last updated on 05/Feb/22

In a very cute vectorial way you can  prove that for max area  OP⊥QB and OQ⊥PA  It is possible to prove that for max area  (x_P /y_Q )=((y_B −y_A )/(x_A −x_B ))  later i′ll post a proof! I hope that helps!


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Feb/22

that′s right sir. thanks!  this is also that what my diagram   at the beginning shows:  tangent at Q // AP, i.e. BQ⊥OP  tangent at P // AQ, i.e. AP⊥OQ


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 05/Feb/22

Great sir


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

Now i have found a way to find  the absolute maximum area of the  triangle and the corresponding   parameter m.  The relationship between the paramters  ξ and m is the equation I:   determinant (((sin^(−1) ξ+sin^(−1) (ξ/( (√(1+λ^2 ))))+sin^(−1) (ξ/( (√(1+m^2 ))))=π−tan^(−1) λ−tan^(−1) m)))  the area of the triangle is expressed  by the equation II:   determinant (((Φ=mλ−1+(√(1+λ^2 −ξ^2 ))+(√(1+m^2 −ξ^2 )) +(√(1−ξ^2 )))))  with Φ=((2Δ)/(μa^2 )).  the maximum Φ is when the curves  of both equations just touch each  other, as following diagram shows.    example:  μ=(b/a)=0.75  Φ_(max) =11.125757 or   Δ_(max) =((μa^2 Φ_(max) )/2)=4.172a^2   at m=1.9858 or θ=tan^(−1) ((1/m))


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Feb/22

further examples:  μ=(b/a)=0.4  Φ_(max) =13.51418 or   Δ_(max) =((μa^2 Φ_(max) )/2)=2.703a^2   at m=1.3871


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