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Question Number 166036 by mr W last updated on 12/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Feb/22

if the chords on a quater circle have  the length a, b, c respectively, find  the radius R of the quater circle in  terms of a, b, c.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 13/Feb/22



Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 12/Feb/22

A Try  a^2 =R^2 +R^2 −2.R.R.cos α   { ((a^2 =2R^2 (1−cos α))),((b^2 =2R^2 (1−cos β))),((c^2 =2R^2 (1−cos γ))) :} ; α+β+γ=90  R^2 =(a^2 /(2(1−cos α)))=(b^2 /(2(1−cos β)))=(c^2 /(2(1−cos γ)))  3R^2 =((a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )/(2(3−(cos α+cos β+cos γ))))  3R^2 =((a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )/(2(3−(cos α+cos β+cos(90−(α+β)))))  3R^2 =((a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )/(2(3−(cos α+cos β+sin(α+β)))))  R^2 =((a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )/(6(3−(cos α+cos β+sin(α+β)))))  I think R is also dependant on α,β


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Feb/22

you have  sin (α/2)=(a/(2R)) ⇒(α/2)=sin^(−1) (a/(2R))  sin (β/2)=(b/(2R))⇒(β/2)=sin^(−1) (b/(2R))  sin (γ/2)=(c/(2R))⇒(γ/2)=sin^(−1) (c/(2R))  (α/2)+(β/2)+(γ/2)=(π/4)  ⇒sin^(−1) (a/(2R))+sin^(−1) (b/(2R))+sin^(−1) (c/(2R))=(π/4)  there is an unique solution for R,  but we can not solve it in exact form  in terms of a, b, c.


Commented by mahdipoor last updated on 12/Feb/22

⇒0=cos90=cos(α+β+λ)=  cosα.cosβ.cosλ−sinβ.sinα.cosλ−  sinλ.sinα.cosβ−sinλ.sinβ.cosα  ,  u^2 =2R^2 (1−cosv)  ⇒ { ((cosv=1−(u/( (√2)R)))),((sinv=(√((√2)(u/R)−(u^2 /(2R^2 )))))) :}


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 12/Feb/22

You′re right mr W sir, Iconcluded  so becsuse I saw that cos α+cos β+sin(α+β)  is not constant! But inspite this  it may be dependant upon a,b & c.


Commented by mr W last updated on 13/Feb/22

we can transform the equation to:  4R^6 −4(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )R^4 −6(√2)abcR^3 +(a^4 +b^4 +c^4 )R^2 +(√2)abc(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )R+a^2 b^2 c^2 =0  but still not solvable.


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 12/Feb/22

Nice relation sir!


Commented by ajfour last updated on 13/Feb/22

θ+ψ=(π/4)−φ  cos (θ+ψ)=(1/( (√2))){cos φ+sin φ}  (√(1−p^2 ))(√(1−r^2 ))−pr=(1/( (√2))){(√(1−q^2 ))+q}  (1−p^2 )(1−r^2 )+((1−q^2 )/2)     −(√2)(√(1−q^2 ))(√(1−p^2 ))(√(1−r^2 ))      =p^2 r^2 +(q^2 /2)+(√2)pqr  ⇒ { (3/2)−(p^2 +r^2 +q^2 )−(√2)pqr}^2       =2(1−p^2 )(1−q^2 )(1−r^2 )  ⇒ (9/4)+(p^2 +q^2 +r^2 )^2 +2p^2 q^2 r^2   −3(p^2 +r^2 +q^2 )−3(√2)pqr  +2(√2)pqr(p^2 +q^2 +r^2 )    =2−p^2 q^2 r^2 +2(p^2 q^2 +q^2 r^2 +r^2 p^2 )  ⇒    p^4 +q^4 +r^4 +(1/4)+3p^2 q^2 r^2     +2(√2)pqr(p^2 +q^2 +r^2 )     −3(p^2 +q^2 +r^2 )=0  say  (1/(2R))=t  ⇒  (3a^2 b^2 c^2 )t^6 +2(√2)abc(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )t^5     +(a^4 +b^4 +c^4 )t^4     −3(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )t^2 +(1/4)=0


Answered by ajfour last updated on 15/Feb/22

((abc)/(2R))=casin β=absin γ=bcsin α=p  let ((abc)/(2r))=q    q=casin 2β=absin 2γ=bcsin 2α  α+β+γ=(π/4)  sin 2β=cos (2α+2γ)  (q/(ac))=(√(1−((q/(bc)))^2 ))(√(1−((q/(ab)))^2 ))                −(q^2 /(b^2 ac))  ⇒ (q^2 /(a^2 c^2 ))+(q^4 /(b^4 a^2 c^2 ))+((2q^3 )/(a^2 b^2 c^2 ))           =1−(q^2 /(a^2 b^2 c^2 ))(a^2 +c^2 )+(q^4 /(b^4 a^2 c^2 ))  ⇒  2q^3 +(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )q^2 −a^2 b^2 c^2 =0  say we obtained q.     Now  (q/p)=2cos β  ⇒   q^2 =4p^2 (1−(b^2 /(4R^2 )))=4p^2 (1−(p^2 /(a^2 c^2 )))  ⇒ p^4 −a^2 c^2 p^2 +((a^2 c^2 q^2 )/4)=0    p^2 =(((abc)/(2R)))^2 =((a^2 c^2 )/2)±(√(((a^2 c^2 )/4)(a^2 c^2 −q^2 )))  ⇒  R^2 =(b^2 /2)((q/(ac)))^2 {1∓(√(1−((q/(ac)))^2 ))}


Commented by ajfour last updated on 15/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 15/Feb/22

thanks sir!  can you please show in a diagram  what are α,β,γ?


Commented by mr W last updated on 15/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 15/Feb/22

are you sure sir?  i have doubt if this way is correct.    bc sin α=ca sin β=ab sin γ=((abc)/(2R)) ✓  with 2α+2β+2γ=(π/2) ✓  bc sin θ=ca sin ϕ=ab sin φ=((abc)/(2r)) ✓  with 2θ+2ϕ+2φ=π ✓    we can say θ+ϕ+φ=2(α+β+γ).  but i think we can not assume (set)  θ=2α, ϕ=2β, φ=2γ.    actually sin θ=(a/(2r)), sin α=(a/(2R))  if θ=2α, then  sin^2  θ= sin^2  2α=1−cos^2  2α=1−(1−2 sin^2  α)^2   ((a/(2r)))^2 =1−(1−(a^2 /(2R^2 )))^2      ...(I)  similarly, from ϕ=2β and φ=2γ  we′ll get  ((b/(2r)))^2 =1−(1−(b^2 /(2R^2 )))^2      ...(II)  ((c/(2r)))^2 =1−(1−(c^2 /(2R^2 )))^2      ...(III)  (I), (II), (III) are not consistent.  that means we can not set  θ=2α, ϕ=2β, φ=2γ at the same time.    bc sin α=ca sin β=ab sin γ=((abc)/(2R)) ✓  ⇏bc sin 2α=^? ca sin 2β=^? ab sin 2γ=^? ((abc)/(2r))


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