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Question Number 166520 by ajfour last updated on 21/Feb/22

Commented by ajfour last updated on 21/Feb/22

If the circles have radii a,b,c   find maximum side length of  such an equilateral triangle.


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Feb/22

the general case see Q16194.


Answered by mr W last updated on 21/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Feb/22

this is to find the triangle with the  maximum area, not the maximum  equilateral triangle.    tan α=(((1+cos β)b+(1+cos γ)c)/((1+sin β)b+(1+sin γ)c))  cos (α+γ)=((b/c)+1)(sin α−cos α)−(b/c) cos (α+β)    tan β=(((1+cos α)a+(1+cos γ)c)/((1+sin α)a−(1+sin γ)c))  cos (β−γ)=((a/c)−1)sin β−((a/c)+1)cos β−(a/c) cos (α+β)    tan γ=(((1+cos α)a−(1+cos β)b)/((1+sin α)a+(1+sin β)b))    solve for α,β,γ.


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Feb/22

Answered by mr W last updated on 22/Feb/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Feb/22

A(a,a)  B(−b,b)  C(c,−c)  say G(h,k)  eqn. of GP:  ((y−k)/(a−k))=((x−h)/(a−h))  (a−h)y=(a−k)x+a(k−h)  y=((a−k)/(a−h))x+((a(k−h))/(a−h))  eqn. of circle A:  (x−a)^2 +(y−a)^2 =a^2   (x−a)^2 +(((a−k)/(a−h))x+((a(k−h))/(a−h))−a)^2 =a^2   [(a−h)^2 +(a−k)^2 ](x−a)^2 =a^2 (a−h)^2   x−a=±((a(a−h))/( (√((a−h)^2 +(a−k)^2 ))))  x_P =a+(a/( (√(1+(((a−k)/(a−h)))^2 ))))  y_P =a+(a/( (√(1+(((a−h)/(a−k)))^2 ))))  eqn. of GB:  ((y−k)/(b−k))=((x−h)/(−b−h))  −(b+h)y=(b−k)x−b(h+k)  eqn. of circle B:  (x+b)^2 +(y−b)^2 =b^2   [(b+h)^2 +(b−k)^2 ](x+b)^2 =b^2 (b+h)^2   x+b=±((b(b+h))/( (√((b+h)^2 +(b−k)^2 ))))  x_Q =−b−(b/( (√(1+(((b−k)/(b+h)))^2 ))))  y_Q =b+(b/( (√(1+(((b+h)/(b−k)))^2 ))))  eqn. of GC:  ((y−k)/(−c−k))=((x−h)/(c−h))  (c−h)y=−(c+k)x+c(h+k)  eqn. of circle C:  (x−c)^2 +(y+c)^2 =c^2   [(c−h)^2 +(c+k)^2 ](x−c)^2 =c^2 (c−h)^2   x−c=±((c(c−h))/( (√((c−h)^2 +(c+k)^2 ))))  x_R =c+(c/( (√(1+(((c+k)/(c−h)))^2 ))))  y_R =−c−(c/( (√(1+(((c−h)/(c+k)))^2 ))))    s^2 =(x_P −x_Q )^2 +(y_P −y_Q )^2   s^2 =(a+b+(a/( (√(1+(((a−k)/(a−h)))^2 ))))+(b/( (√(1+(((b−k)/(b+h)))^2 )))))^2 +(a−b+(a/( (√(1+(((a−h)/(a−k)))^2 ))))−(b/( (√(1+(((b+h)/(b−k)))^2 )))))^2   s^2 =(x_P −x_R )^2 +(y_P −y_R )^2   s^2 =(a−c+(a/( (√(1+(((a−k)/(a−h)))^2 ))))−(c/( (√(1+(((c+k)/(c−h)))^2 )))))^2 +(a+c+(a/( (√(1+(((a−h)/(a−k)))^2 ))))+(c/( (√(1+(((c−h)/(c+k)))^2 )))))^2   s^2 =(x_Q −x_R )^2 +(y_Q −y_R )^2   s^2 =(b+c+(b/( (√(1+(((b−k)/(b+h)))^2 ))))+(c/( (√(1+(((c+k)/(c−h)))^2 )))))^2 +(b+c+(b/( (√(1+(((b+h)/(b−k)))^2 ))))+(c/( (√(1+(((c−h)/(c+k)))^2 )))))^2   solve for h,k,s  ....


Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/Feb/22

A(a,a)  P(a+acos θ, a+asin θ)  Q(a+acos θ−scos φ, a+asin θ−ssin φ)  (a−b+acos θ−scos φ)^2      +(a−b+asin θ−ssin φ)^2 =b^2   ⇒ a^2 +2a{cos θ(a−b−scos φ)                          +sin θ(a−b−ssin φ)}     +(a−b−scos φ)^2 +(a−b−ssin φ)^2        =b^2   (√((a−b−scos φ)^2 +(a−b−ssin φ)^2 ))     =m  mcos (θ−δ)=b^2 −a^2 −m^2   tan δ=((a−b−ssin φ)/(a−b−scos φ))      θ=δ+cos^(−1) (((b^2 −a^2 −m^2 )/m))   ..(i)  M midpoint of PQ  R{a+acos θ−((scos φ)/2)−((s(√3))/2)sin φ,         a+asin θ−((ssin φ)/2)−((s(√3))/2)cos φ}  And as  (RC)^2 =c^2   ⇒  (a+c+acos θ−((scos φ)/2)−((s(√3))/2)sin φ)^2   +(a+c+asin θ−((ssin φ)/2)−((s(√3))/2)cos φ)^2           =c^2   using (i) we have θ=f(φ)  now    g(s,φ)=0      s_(max)   can be found from g(s,φ)  graph.


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 22/Feb/22

Great sirs


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