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Question Number 168189 by mathls last updated on 05/Apr/22

Commented by mathls last updated on 05/Apr/22

please help me!


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Apr/22



Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Apr/22

two years=24 monthes  1+q_(2y) =(1+q_m )^(24)   ⇒q_(2y) =(1+q_m )^(24) −1  ⇒q_m =(1+q_(2y) )^(1/(24)) −1


Commented by mathls last updated on 06/Apr/22

please describe the formula and   calculate the last ans by formula.


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 06/Apr/22

8% → factor 1+(8/(100))=1.08  1.08^(24) =6.3411... =1+((534)/(100)) → 534%


Commented by mathls last updated on 06/Apr/22

what means 534% ?


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 06/Apr/22

534 percent


Commented by mathls last updated on 07/Apr/22

percentage must 100% but it is 534%?


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 07/Apr/22

percentage can be more than 100%  if you need 120$ to buy something but you  only have 60$ than you have 100×((60)/(120))% =  =50% of the price. but if you have 180$ you  have 100×((180)/(120))% = 150% of it.  if you put all your money on your bank  account you put 100% of your money there.  if you get 5% per year (tell me the name of  the bank) you have 105% of what you had  before after the first year (=100×1.05)  if you leave it there another year you have  100×1.05×1.05=110.25% of what you had  before. after n years you have 100×1.05^n %  of what you had in the beginning. after 48  years you have 1040%


Commented by mathls last updated on 07/Apr/22



Commented by mathls last updated on 08/Apr/22

please prove me both formula.


Answered by mr W last updated on 08/Apr/22

q_m =rate per month  that means if you have money of   amount A in this month, next month  it becomes q_m A more, i.e. next month  you totally have money of amount   A+q_m A=(1+q_m )A.  similarly after two monthes you′ll   have (1+q_m )^2 A, and after n monthes  you′ll have (1+q_m )^n A.  after two years, i.e. after 24 monthes,  you′ll have (1+q_m )^(24) A.    q_(2y) =rate per 2 years  that means if you have money of   amount A in this month, after 2 years  it becomes q_(2y) A more, i.e. after 2 years  you′ll have totally A+q_(2y) A=(1+q_(2y) )A.    we see  (1+q_(2y) )A=(1+q_m )^(24) A  1+q_(2y) =(1+q_m )^(24)       ⇒q_(2y) =(1+q_m )^(24) −1     ...(I)  or  1+q_m =(1+q_(2y) )^(1/(24))   ⇒q_m =(1+q_(2y) )^(1/(24)) −1   ...(II)    examples:  given: monthly rate q_m =8%=0.08  rate per 2 years:  q_(2y) =(1+q_m )^(24) −1        =(1+0.08)^(24) −1        ≈5.34=534%    given: rate per 2 years q_(2y) =18%=0.18  monthly rate:  q_m =(1+q_(2y) )^(1/(24)) −1       =(1+0.18)^(1/(24)) −1       ≈0.0069=0.69%


Commented by mathls last updated on 08/Apr/22

what a great solution! u are a star of   mathematics.


Commented by peter frank last updated on 08/Apr/22

thank you


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