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Question Number 171260 by udaythool last updated on 11/Jun/22

Change to polar coordinates:  ∫^(  4a) _0 ∫_(y^2 /4a)  ^a   (((x^2 −y^2 )/(x^2 +y^2 ))) dx dy


Answered by udaythool last updated on 13/Jun/22

Solution: Let f≡ (((x^2 −y^2 )/(x^2 +y^2 )))⇒f = rcos 2θ  ⇒I=∫_0 ^( 4a) ∫_(y^2 /4a) ^(    a) f dxdy   =∫_0 ^( 2a) ∫_(y^2 /4a) ^(    a) f dxdy −∫_(2a) ^( 4a) ∫_a ^(  y^2 /4a) f dxdy  =∫∫_(R_1 )   − ∫∫_(R_2 )  =I_1 −I_2   where R_1 ≡0≤y≤2a, y^2 /4a≤x≤a  and R_2 ≡2a≤y≤4a,   a≤x≤ y^2 /4a  For polar coordinates we should have  to divide both R_1  into A, B and R_2  into C, D  subregions by a line from origin and (a, 2a).   Thus I_1 =I_A +I_B  and I_2 =I_C +I_D   For A, 0≤θ≤tan^(−1) 2 and 0≤r≤a/cos θ  ⇒I_A =∫_0 ^(tan^(−1) 2) ∫_0 ^(a/cos θ) r cos2θ dr dθ =a^2 (tan^(−1) 2−1).  For B, tan^(−1) 2≤θ≤π/2 and 0≤r≤4acos θ/sin^2 θ  ⇒I_B =∫_(tan^(−1) 2) ^(π/2) ∫_0 ^(4acos θ/sin^2 θ) r cos2θ dr dθ  I_B =8a^2 (π−23/24−2tan^(−1) 2).  For C, π/4≤θ≤tan^(−1) 2 and 4acos θ/sin^2 θ≤r≤4a/sin θ  ⇒I_C =∫_(π/4) ^(tan^(−1) 2) ∫_(4acos θ/sin^2 θ) ^(4a/sin θ) r cos2θ dr dθ  I_C =8a^2 (π+29/24−4tan^(−1) 2).  And for D, tan^(−1) 2≤θ≤tan^(−1) 4 and a/cos θ≤r≤4a/sin θ  ⇒I_D =∫_(tan^(−1) 2) ^(tan^(−1) 4) ∫_(a/cos θ) ^(4a/sin θ) r cos2θ dr dθ  I_D =a^2 (3+174tan^(−1) 2−17tan^(−1) 4).  ∴ I=(((−64)/3))a^2 +17a^2 tan^(−1) 4


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