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Question Number 171908 by ajfour last updated on 21/Jun/22

Commented by ajfour last updated on 21/Jun/22

Man has to water the tree  once with volume V_0  . His  bucket leaks at a rate (dV/dt)=−kV.  his speed=u(2−(m/(m+ρV)))  ρV<m . Find x such that the  he can reach with V_0  volume  of water in bucket in min.   time.  (m is mass of bucket)


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jun/22

s_1 =(√(a^2 +x^2 ))  v_1 =u  t_1 =(s_1 /u)=((√(a^2 +x^2 ))/u)  say the volume of water in the bucket  at the river is V_1 .  s_2 =(√(b^2 +(c−x)^2 ))  (dV/dt)=−kV  ∫_V_1  ^V (dV/V)=−k∫_0 ^t dt  ln (V/V_1 )=−kt  V=V_1 e^(−kt)   V_0 =V_1 e^(−kt_2 )   (ds/dt)=v=u(2−(m/(m+ρV)))  (ds/dt)=u(2−(m/(m+ρV_1 e^(−kt) )))  ∫_0 ^s_2  ds=u∫_0 ^t_2  (2−(1/(1+((ρV_1 )/m)e^(−kt) )))dt  s_2 =u[t−((ln (1+((ρV_1 )/m)e^(−kt) ))/k)]_0 ^t_2    (√(b^2 +(c−x)^2 ))=u(t_2 −(1/k)ln ((m+ρV_1 e^(−kt_2 ) )/(m+ρV_1 )))  (√(b^2 +(c−x)^2 ))=u(t_2 −(1/k)ln ((m+ρV_0 )/(m+ρV_0 e^(kt_2 ) )))  total time T=t_1 +t_2   t_2 =T−t_1 =T−((√(a^2 +x^2 ))/u)  (√(b^2 +(c−x)^2 ))=u[T−((√(a^2 +x^2 ))/u)−(1/k)ln ((m+ρV_0 )/(m+ρV_0 e^(k(T−((√(a^2 +x^2 ))/u))) ))]  (((√(a^2 +x^2 ))+(√(b^2 +(c−x)^2 )))/u)=T−(1/k)ln ((m/(ρV_0 ))/((m/(ρV_0 ))+e^(k(T−((√(a^2 +x^2 ))/u))) ))  (((√(a^2 +x^2 ))+(√(b^2 +(c−x)^2 )))/(u/k))=kT−ln ((m/(ρV_0 ))/((m/(ρV_0 ))+e^((kT−((√(a^2 +x^2 ))/(u/k)))) ))  let λ=((ρV_0 )/m), Φ=kT, μ=(u/k)  (((√(a^2 +x^2 ))+(√(b^2 +(c−x)^2 )))/μ)=Φ+ln(1+λe^(Φ−((√(a^2 +x^2 ))/μ)) )   (dΦ/dx)=0 for minimum T.  see example.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/Jun/22

Thank you very much sir...


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jun/22

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