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Question Number 172756 by mathlove last updated on 01/Jul/22

Commented by mathlove last updated on 01/Jul/22


$$???? \\ $$

Commented by mathlove last updated on 01/Jul/22

help me

$${help}\:{me} \\ $$

Commented by mathlove last updated on 02/Jul/22

thanks mr

$${thanks}\:{mr} \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jul/22

what′s this?

$${what}'{s}\:{this}? \\ $$

Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 01/Jul/22

I think S/he will not response you  sir. S/he only knows to question  and apeal to help him/her.  Another thing which S/he knows  better is  to repeat the questions.

$${I}\:{think}\:{S}/{he}\:{will}\:{not}\:{response}\:{you} \\ $$$${sir}.\:{S}/{he}\:\boldsymbol{{only}}\:{knows}\:\boldsymbol{{to}}\:\boldsymbol{{question}} \\ $$$${and}\:\boldsymbol{{apeal}}\:\boldsymbol{{to}}\:\boldsymbol{{help}}\:{him}/{her}. \\ $$$${Another}\:{thing}\:{which}\:{S}/{he}\:{knows} \\ $$$${better}\:{is}\:\:\boldsymbol{{to}}\:\boldsymbol{{repeat}}\:\boldsymbol{{the}}\:\boldsymbol{{questions}}. \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jul/22

yes sir. so it is!

$${yes}\:{sir}.\:{so}\:{it}\:{is}! \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Jul/22

i don′t think someone is against that  you post questions and ask for help.  but it′s a fact that you don′t respond   when you self are asked to give more  explanation. instead of responding,  you just open a new post and repeat  the same question.

$${i}\:{don}'{t}\:{think}\:{someone}\:{is}\:{against}\:{that} \\ $$$${you}\:{post}\:{questions}\:{and}\:{ask}\:{for}\:{help}. \\ $$$${but}\:{it}'{s}\:{a}\:{fact}\:{that}\:{you}\:{don}'{t}\:{respond}\: \\ $$$${when}\:{you}\:{self}\:{are}\:{asked}\:{to}\:{give}\:{more} \\ $$$${explanation}.\:{instead}\:{of}\:{responding}, \\ $$$${you}\:{just}\:{open}\:{a}\:{new}\:{post}\:{and}\:{repeat} \\ $$$${the}\:{same}\:{question}. \\ $$

Commented by mathlove last updated on 02/Jul/22

  This is the question in a book. If asking for help is a bad thing, then I will not do it

$$ \\ $$This is the question in a book. If asking for help is a bad thing, then I will not do it

Commented by mathlove last updated on 02/Jul/22

  And this other but always criticizes my questions what is your problem brother

$$ \\ $$And this other but always criticizes my questions what is your problem brother

Commented by mathlove last updated on 02/Jul/22

  I don't know English. The problem is that sometimes I get left unanswered. When someone translates it for me, I answer your question again.

$$ \\ $$I don't know English. The problem is that sometimes I get left unanswered. When someone translates it for me, I answer your question again.

Commented by mathlove last updated on 02/Jul/22

  Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience

$$ \\ $$Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience

Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Jul/22

you are welcome sir!  it′s alright!

$${you}\:{are}\:{welcome}\:{sir}! \\ $$$${it}'{s}\:{alright}! \\ $$

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