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Question Number 174838 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 12/Aug/22

       calculate     Ω = ∫_0 ^( (π/2)) (( x^( 2) )/(( sin(x)+cos(x))^( 2) ))dx=?


Answered by princeDera last updated on 12/Aug/22

           calculate     Ω = ∫_0 ^( (π/2)) (( x^( 2) )/(( sin(x)+cos(x))^( 2) ))dx=?  Ω = ∫_0 ^(π/2) (x^2 /(1 + sin (2x)))dx  sin (2x) = ((1 − e^(−4ix)  )/(2ie^(−2ix) ))  Ω = 2i∫_0 ^(π/2) ((x^2 e^(−2ix) )/(2ie^(−2ix)  + 1 − e^(−4ix) ))dx  let z = e^(−2ix)   dz =−2ie^(−2ix) dx ⇒ −(dz/(2iz))=dx and x = −(1/(2i))ln (z)  Ω = −(1/(4i))∫_C ((ln^2 (z) )/(2iz+1−z^2 ))dz where the contour C is in the first quadrant    Ω = (1/(4i))∫_C ((ln^2 (z))/((z−i)^2 ))dz   double poles appear at z=i and they are in the contour    Ω = (1/(4i))×2πi[(d/dz)ln^2 (z)]_(z=i)  = (π/2){((2ln (i))/i)}  ln (i) = i(π/2)  Ω = (π/2)×((2iπ)/(2i)) = (π^2 /2)    Ω = (π^2 /2)


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 12/Aug/22

Great sir


Commented by Frix last updated on 12/Aug/22

something went wrong...


Commented by Frix last updated on 12/Aug/22

after substituting  z=e^(−2ix)   I get  Ω=−(1/4)∫(((z^2 +2iz−1)ln^2  z)/((z^2 +1)^2 ))dz  I cannot solve this but your result is  Ω≈4.935  and approximating I get  Ω=∫_0 ^(π/2) (x^2 /((sin x +cos x)^2 ))dx≈0.862


Commented by princeDera last updated on 12/Aug/22

  how did u get that first integral


Commented by Frix last updated on 13/Aug/22

∫_0 ^(π/2) (x^2 /(1+sin 2x))dx=  with sin 2x =((e^(4ix) −1)/(2ie^(2ix) )) (=((1−e^(4ix) )/(2ie^(−2ix) )))  =2∫_0 ^(π/2) ((x^2 e^(2ix) (2e^(2ix) +(e^(4ix) −1)i))/((e^(4ix) +1)^2 ))dx=  with z=e^(2ix)  ⇔ x=−i((ln z)/2) ⇔ dx=−i(dz/(2z))  =−(1/4)∫_1 ^(−1) (((z^2 −2iz−1)ln^2  z)/((z^2 +1)^2 ))dz


Answered by mnjuly1970 last updated on 13/Aug/22

  Ω= (1/2) ∫_0 ^( (π/2)) (( x^( 2) )/(sin^( 2) (x+(π/4))))dx      =^(i.b.p)  (1/2) {[−cot(x+(π/4))x^( 2) ]_0 ^( (π/2)) +2∫_0 ^( (π/2)) xcot(x+(π/4))dx    = (π^( 2) /8) +∫_0 ^( (π/2)) x.cot(x+(π/4))dx    =^(i.b.p)  (π^( 2) /8) + {[xlnsin(x+(π/4))]_0 ^(π/2) −∫_0 ^( (π/2)) lnsin(x+(π/4))dx}    =(π^( 2) /8) +(π/2) ln(((√2)/2)) −∫_(−(π/4)) ^( (π/4)) lncos(x)dx     = (π^( 2) /8) −(π/4) ln(2)−2∫_0 ^( (π/4)) lncos(x)dx    =_(ln(cos(x))^( ∗∗) ) ^(fourier series) (π^( 2) /8) −(π/4)ln(2)−2{(G/2)−(π/4)ln(2)}         = (π^( 2) /8) +(π/4) ln(2)−G     ∗∗ :  ln(cos(x))=^? −ln(2)−Σ_(n=1) ^∞ (((−1)^(n−1) cos(2nx)))/n)


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