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Question Number 174876 by infinityaction last updated on 13/Aug/22

  let f:[0,1]→R be a continuous   function ditermine (with appropriate  justification) the following     limit: lim_(n→∞)  ∫_0 ^1 nx^n f(x)dx


Answered by TheHoneyCat last updated on 13/Aug/22

Sorry if it sounds rude, but your question is  either meaningless or trivial  when you write:  lim_(x→∞)  ∫_0 ^1 nx^n f(x)dx  if you have a signle x it does′t mean anything    now if you mean: (x≠x)  lim_(x→∞)  ∫_0 ^1 nx^n f(x)dx  the limit is useless so the result is  ∫_0 ^1 nx^n f(x)dx    if you mean:  lim_(x→∞)  ∫_0 ^1 nx^n f(x)dx  or   lim_(x→∞)  ∫_0 ^1 nx^n f(x)dx  it′s also very trivial  I think you probably meant  lim_(n→∞) ∫_0 ^1 nx^n f(x)dx       f beeing Continuous on an interval, it is  bounded  let F ∈R_+  ∀ε<1  ∫_0 ^ε nx^n Fdx=(n/(n+1))ε^(n+1) F              (1)  and ∫_0 ^1 nx^n Fdx=(n/(n+1))F              (2)  So we can use (2) to get that the integral   cannot be bigger that the maximal value of F  nor smaler than the smallest.  because (2)→_(n→∞) F  while (1) shows that the values smaler that  the part of f on values smaler than 1 has no importance.  because (1)→_(n→∞) 0  By considering increasingly bigger ε we find  lim_(n→∞) ∫_0 ^1 nx^n f(x)dx=f(1)    _□


Commented by infinityaction last updated on 13/Aug/22

yes sir it is  lim_(n→∞)    thanks


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 23/Aug/22

your welcome  ;•)


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