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Question Number 175247 by rexford last updated on 24/Aug/22

Answered by Ar Brandon last updated on 24/Aug/22

I=∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 4ϑcos^5 4ϑdϑ    =∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 4ϑ(1−sin^2 4ϑ)^2 cos4ϑdϑ    =∫_0 ^(π/2) (sin^2 4ϑ−2sin^4 4ϑ+sin^6 4ϑ)cos4ϑdϑ    =(1/4)[((sin^3 4ϑ)/3)−((2sin^5 4ϑ)/5)+((sin^7 4ϑ)/7)]_0 ^(π/2) =0


Commented by rexford last updated on 25/Aug/22

But the answer is not zero when typed on calculator


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 25/Aug/22

Then maybe you should sell the calculator   and have a picnic with the money. Haha !


Commented by rexford last updated on 25/Aug/22


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 25/Aug/22

What your calculator gives you is probably  the sum of areas bounded by f(x) and the  x-axis which is  [((sin^3 4ϑ)/3)−((2sin^5 4ϑ)/5)+((sin^7 4ϑ)/7)]_0 ^(π/8)        =(1/3)−(1/5)+(1/7)=((29)/(105)) square units


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 25/Aug/22

Commented by rexford last updated on 25/Aug/22

I get it,Boss  ...but is there any approach   to relate the integral with the   beta integral i.e 2∫_0 ^(Π/2) sin^(2m−1) θcos^(2n+1) θdθ


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 25/Aug/22

Yah sure !  I=∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 4ϑcos^5 4ϑdϑ=(1/4)∫_0 ^(2π) sin^2 tcos^5 tdt  4I=∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 tcos^5 tdt_(A) +∫_(π/2) ^π sin^2 tcos^5 tdt_(B) +∫_π ^((3π)/2) sin^2 tcos^5 tdt_(C) +∫_((3π)/2) ^(2π) sin^2 tcos^5 tdt_(D)   For B let t=π−u ⇒B=∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 (π−u)cos^5 (π−u)du  ⇒B=−∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 ucos^5 udu=−A since sin(π−u)=sinu, cos(π−u)=−cosu  Similarly for C we let t=((3π)/2)−u and we have  −∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^2 usin^5 udu, since sin(((3π)/2)−u)=−cosu and cos(((3π)/2)−u)=−sinu  which is equal to −∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 ucos^5 udu since ∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^m ucos^n udu=∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^m usin^n udu  And for D when we let t=2π−t we have ∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 ucos^5 udu  So   I=∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 tcos^5 tdt−∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 ucos^5 udu−∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 ucos^5 udu+∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 ucos^5 udu  Now you can apply your beta function since we now have the usual limits  [0, (π/2)]. Although that will be superfluous since we can already notice   all the partial integrals cancel out themselves  A−A−A+A=0


Answered by Mathspace last updated on 25/Aug/22

Ψ=∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 (4θ)cos^5 (4θ)dθ  =_(4θ=t)    (1/4)∫_0 ^(2π) sin^2 t cos^5 t dt  ∫_0 ^(2π) sin^2 t cos^5 t dt  =∫_0 ^(π/2) (...)dt +∫_(π/2) ^π (...)dt+∫_π ^((3π)/2) (...)dt  +∫_((3π)/2) ^(2π) (...)dt  ∫_(π/2) ^π sin^2 t cos^5 t dt  =_(t=(π/2)+x)   −∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^2 x sin^5 xdx  ∫_π ^((3π)/2) sin^2 t cos^5 t dt  =_(t=π+x)  − ∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 x cos^5 xdx  ∫_((3π)/2) ^(2π) sin^2 t cos^5 t dt  =_(t=((3π)/2)+x)    ∫_0 ^(π/2)  cos^2 x sin^5 xdx ⇒  4Ψ=∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 x cos^5 xdx−∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^2 x sin^5 xdx  −∫_0 ^(π/2) sin^2 x cos^5 xdx+∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^2 x sin^5 xdx  =0 ⇒Ψ=0


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