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Question Number 176660 by mr W last updated on 24/Sep/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Sep/22

find the time the rod takes to reach  the ground.   the coefficient of friction between  rod and wall is μ which is small enough  so that the rod can slip on the wall.  the friction between rod and ground  is large enough so that the rod doesn′t  slip on the ground.


Answered by mr W last updated on 25/Sep/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Sep/22

L=(√(b^2 +h^2 ))  I=((ML^2 )/3)=((M(b^2 +h^2 ))/3)  ω=(dθ/dt)  α=(d^2 θ/dt^2 )=(dω/dt)=ω(dω/dθ)  b tan ϕ=h sin θ  ⇒ϕ=tan^(−1) (((h sin θ)/b))  (dϕ/dt)=(((h cos θ)/b)/(1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))×ω  (d^2 ϕ/dt^2 )=(((h cos θ)/b)/(1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))×ω×(dω/dθ)+ω^2 ×[−(((((h cos θ)/b))^2 )/((1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 )^2 ))−(((h sin θ)/b)/(1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))]  (d^2 ϕ/dt^2 )=(((h cos θ)/b)/(1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))×ω×(dω/dθ)−(ω^2 /(1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))×[(((((h cos θ)/b))^2 )/(1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))+((h sin θ)/b)]  I(d^2 ϕ/dt^2 )=N h sin θ  N=((M(b^2 +h^2 ))/(3h sin θ (1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))){((h cos θ)/b)×ω×(dω/dθ)−ω^2 [(((((h cos θ)/b))^2 )/(1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))+((h sin θ)/b)]}  I(d^2 θ/dt^2 )=−fh+((Mgh sin θ)/2)  I(d^2 θ/dt^2 )=−μNh+((Mgh sin θ)/2)  ω(dω/dθ)=−(μ/(sin θ (1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))){((h cos θ)/b)×ω×(dω/dθ)−ω^2 [(((((h cos θ)/b))^2 )/(1+(((h sin θ)/b))^2 ))+((h sin θ)/b)]}+((3gh sin θ)/(2(b^2 +h^2 )))  let λ=(h/b)  ω(dω/dθ)=−(μ/(sin θ (1+λ^2 sin^2  θ))){λ cos θ×ω×(dω/dθ)−ω^2 (((λ^2 cos^2  θ)/(1+λ^2 sin^2  θ))+λ sin θ)}+((3gλ sin θ)/(2b(1+λ^2 )))  (1/2)((1/λ)+((μ cos θ)/(sin θ (1+λ^2 sin^2  θ))))(dω^2 /dθ)−(μ/(sin θ (1+λ^2 sin^2  θ)))(((λcos^2  θ)/(1+λ^2 sin^2  θ))+sin θ)ω^2 −((3g sin θ)/(2b(1+λ^2 )))=0  (dω^2 /dθ)−((2μλ(λcos^2  θ+λ^2 sin^3  θ+sin θ))/((sin θ (1+λ^2  sin^2  θ)+μλ cos θ)(1+λ^2 sin^2  θ)))ω^2 −((3gλ sin^2  θ (1+λ^2 sin^2  θ))/(b(1+λ^2 )(sin θ (1+λ^2  sin^2  θ)+μλ cos θ)))=0  let Φ=ω^2   (dΦ/dθ)−((2μλ(λcos^2  θ+λ^2 sin^3  θ+sin θ))/([sin θ (1+λ^2  sin^2  θ)+μλ cos θ](1+λ^2 sin^2  θ)))Φ−((3gλ sin^2  θ (1+λ^2 sin^2  θ))/(b(1+λ^2 )[sin θ (1+λ^2  sin^2  θ)+μλ cos θ]))=0  with p(θ)=((2μλ(λcos^2  θ+λ^2 sin^3  θ+sin θ))/([sin θ (1+λ^2  sin^2  θ)+μλ cos θ](1+λ^2 sin^2  θ)))            q(θ)=((3gλ sin^2  θ (1+λ^2 sin^2  θ))/(b(1+λ^2 )[sin θ (1+λ^2  sin^2  θ)+μλ cos θ]))  ⇒(dΦ/dθ)−p(θ)Φ−q(θ)=0  we get Φ=Φ(θ)  ⇒ω=(√(Φ(θ)))  ⇒(dθ/dt)=(√(Φ(θ)))  ⇒dt=(dθ/( (√(Φ(θ)))))  ⇒∫_0 ^T dt=∫_0 ^(π/2) (dθ/( (√(Φ(θ)))))  ⇒T=∫_0 ^(π/2) (dθ/( (√(Φ(θ)))))


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 25/Sep/22

Great sir


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