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Question Number 178054 by Acem last updated on 12/Oct/22

Mr. w wants to distribute n+1 different   prizes  to n friends so that each one gets   at least one prize, how many results   of this process. I hope to be that one gets 2


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Oct/22

wow! i′d like to really give a prize to   each of you!


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Oct/22

my answer is ((n(n+1)!)/2).


Commented by Acem last updated on 12/Oct/22

In fact since the (n−1) are so much jealous   i hardly got two.... Thx for the prizes     The work was great! I wish you   continued success


Answered by aurpeyz last updated on 12/Oct/22

first gift =n options  second gift=n options  third gift=(n−1) options  fourth gift=(n−2) options  fifth gift=(n−3) options  sixth gift=(n−4) options  ...  (n)th gift=(n+1−4)options  (n+1)th gift=(n+2−4)=(n−2) options  ans=n×n×(n−1)×(n−2)×(n−3)×  (n−4)×...×(n−2)    I ended up confused. lol


Commented by Acem last updated on 12/Oct/22

The attempts are excellent even if it was not   true cause it gaves a good figure for solving   problems (:


Commented by Acem last updated on 12/Oct/22

Let′s try now, There′s one friend_((?))  will   get 2 differents_((?))   prizes  that′s mean we′re in front of two operations   of selection: (2 ways)   Bring 2 diff.priz.  (((And)),((( ×))) ) Select one fr._(to give)                                     (((n+1)),((   2)) ) × n    = (((n+1)n^2 )/2) = NumWays_(2 pr. to 1fr.)      Gifting n friends =   gift_((n−1)pr. to(n−1)fr.)   (((And)),(( (×))) ) gift_(2pr. to 1fr.)      = P_(n−1) ^( n−1)  × NumWays_(2 pr. to 1fr.)    = (((n−1)!)/(0!)) × ((n.n.(n+1))/2)= ((n.n!.(n+1))/2)   = ((n.(n+1)!)/2) ways


Answered by mr W last updated on 12/Oct/22

method 1:  i take a stranger from the street and  bring him to my n friends. now i have  n+1 “friends”. one of them is a fake  friend. i give a prize to each of them,  there are (n+1)! ways to do that.   since the stranger is not a real friend,  he should give his prize to one of my  real friends. he has n ways to select  a real friend. so i have n(n+1)! ways  to distribute n+1 prizes to n friends.  but since it′s the same whether some  one gets at first the prize A and then   from the stranger the prize B or   whether he gets at first the prize B   and then from the stranger the prize  A. therefore in fact i have only   ((n(n+1)!)/2) different ways.


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Oct/22

method 2:  one friend gets 2 prizes. to select this  friend, there are n ways.  he selects 2 from n+1 prizes, there  are C_2 ^(n+1) =(((n+1)n)/2) ways. to distribute  the remaining n−1 prizes among   the n−1 friends, there are (n−1)!   ways.  ⇒n×(((n+1)n)/2)×(n−1)!=((n(n+1)!)/2)


Commented by Acem last updated on 12/Oct/22

 The second method is the best! it′s like mine  as the following:    There′s one friend_((?))  will   get 2 differents_((?))   prizes  that′s mean we′re in front of two operations   of selection: (2 ways)   Bring 2 diff.priz.  (((And)),((( ×))) ) Select one fr._(to give)                                     (((n+1)),((   2)) ) × n    = (((n+1)n^2 )/2) = NumWays_(2 pr. to 1fr.)      Gifting n friends =   gift_((n−1)pr. to(n−1)fr.)   (((And)),(( (×))) ) gift_(2pr. to 1fr.)      = P_(n−1) ^( n−1)  × NumWays_(2 pr. to 1fr.)    = (((n−1)!)/(0!)) × ((n.n.(n+1))/2)= ((n.n!.(n+1))/2)   = ((n.(n+1)!)/2) ways


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