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Question Number 181484 by Linton last updated on 25/Nov/22

If a hen and a half  lay an egg and a half  in a day and a half  how many eggs would  one hen lay in one  day?


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 25/Nov/22

(1) I don′t think half hens lay eggs at all.  (2) I don′t think hens lay half eggs.  ⇒  I think the half hen is in a fridge or maybe  in a pot while the whole hen obviously lays  one egg per day.


Commented by Frix last updated on 25/Nov/22

Another nice question:  If one car starts at 9 a.m. and needs 2 hours  to drive 250 kilometres then how long will  it take two and a half cars to drive 625 km  when they start at 10:30 p.m.?


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 25/Nov/22

and how many cars will you need to travel  2000 miles from 6:45 in the morning within  5:15 hours to reach home at the moment  the half hen is prepared for dinner?


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Nov/22

the question makes sense statistically.  then a hen lays (2/3) eggs in a day.  worldwide each woman bears  2.39 children.


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 26/Nov/22

of course I know this. but as someone said,  “rhere are small lies, big lies and then there  are statistics”.  we learn for life not for school, so we should  learn the truth: half hens lay no eggs, but 2  cars are faster than 1 car if the drivers are  both male and 3 workers need more than 1/3  of the time 1 worker would need.  plus it′s more fun to answer in this way.


Commented by Linton last updated on 26/Nov/22

show working  use dimensionsal  analysis


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