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Question Number 181971 by Acem last updated on 03/Dec/22

How many words can be formed from different  letters of the “Your answer is wrong” with not  repeating? So that they shouldn′t start with ′o′    neither ′w′ and shouldn′t end with ′w′, and   should be′r′ & ′s′ adjacents.     Oya...n, Wen...y, Iog...w , Yourws...e  : are invalid   Enrsow...g : is valid  Q.180162


Answered by Acem last updated on 02/Dec/22

Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Dec/22

but in “your answer is wrong” some  letters are multiple and totally there   are 17 letters. i think most people may  understand the question so, that the  words formed should contain all   these 17 letters.


Commented by Acem last updated on 03/Dec/22

Someday we were not agree about this issue, you   said me that we shoudln′t use repeat letters. also   said that you understand they are different even   if the question is not specified.   So i see it′s better when asking a question   specifying things more, for example:   How many words with different letters can be   formed from the word “xxx” and not repeating     “not repeating”_(this is the issue we weren′t agree)    Anyway, am sorry that i didn′t specify the   whole details.


Commented by Acem last updated on 03/Dec/22

In general, i wanted from this question to put   forward a new idea such “adjacents some letters”   and how to deal with! This is the point of    my question.


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