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Question Number 183558 by Acem last updated on 27/Dec/22

Commented by Acem last updated on 27/Dec/22

 The inlet segment ⊥ Hypotenuse


Answered by HeferH last updated on 27/Dec/22

(3/2)∙(2/5) = (3/5) = ((3k)/(5k))    A=8k


Commented by Acem last updated on 27/Dec/22

Hi Sir!   why (2/5)?


Commented by HeferH last updated on 27/Dec/22

((3/2)/(5/2)) = (3/2)∙(2/5)


Commented by Acem last updated on 27/Dec/22

Well my friend, and what does mean (δ/λ)


Commented by HeferH last updated on 27/Dec/22

When you have a line that goes from one vertex   to any point of the oposite side (triangle)   the ratio of the bases is equal to the ratio of   their areas   (a/b) = (A_1 /A_2 )  or (A_2 /b) = (A_1 /a)   One interpretation is that the base    is proportional to the area   (if the height is fixed)


Commented by Acem last updated on 27/Dec/22

Very good, thank you! so how it helps to find the   entire area of that triangle?   The inlet segment ⊥ Hypotenuse   Knowing that its area ∈ ](5/2), 4[


Commented by HeferH last updated on 27/Dec/22

It was not clear that the inlet segment was   ⊥ to the Hypotenuse :)


Commented by Acem last updated on 27/Dec/22

 i forgot to draw the mark of it (: sorry!


Answered by HeferH last updated on 27/Dec/22

h^2 = (3/2)∙(5/2) (by some similar triangles)   h = ((√(15))/2) ⇒ A= ((4∙((√(15))/2))/2) = (√(15))


Commented by Acem last updated on 27/Dec/22

Thankkkk you Sir! (:


Answered by Acem last updated on 27/Dec/22

Commented by Acem last updated on 27/Dec/22

 We must notforget the story of the chord of the   circle passing through the vertices of the triangle    ω^2 = m.n { 2 segments of the diameter}   That if didn′t mind the story of similar triangles


Commented by HeferH last updated on 27/Dec/22

Yeah, I realize that many times when I had   a rect triangle inside a circunference while   working on other problems.   I tought it was a coincidence but it is also   another way of demonstrate it.   Sorry if I sound a bit weird sometimes,    english its not my first language :/


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