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Question Number 183746 by ali009 last updated on 29/Dec/22

find x  x^4 −x^3 −19x^2 +93x−128=0


Commented by Frix last updated on 29/Dec/22

No useable exact solution, you can only  approximate.


Commented by Michaelfaraday last updated on 29/Dec/22

this question has no real root but you   can use NRIM.


Commented by mr W last updated on 30/Dec/22

how can you say that it has no real  root?    f(−∞)=+∞  f(+∞)=+∞  f(0)=−128 <0  ⇒it has at least two real roots!  one is positive, one is negative.


Commented by Michaelfaraday last updated on 30/Dec/22

okay sir but sir show us the real root  that the equation have.


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 30/Dec/22

x_1 ≈−5.76397627403  x_2 ≈2.26841847295  x_(3, 4) ≈2.24777890054±2.17648395669i


Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 29/Dec/22

f(x)=x^4 −x^3 −19x^2 +93x−128  let f(x)=(x^2 +ax+b)(x^2 +cx+d)  ⇒a+c=−1  b+d+ac=−19  ad+bc=93  bd=−128    ⇒b+d−a(1+a)=−19  ad−b(1+a)=93  bd=−128    ⇒b^2 −128−ab(1+a)=−19b  −128a−b^2 (1+a)=93b    ⇒b^2 +19b−128−ab−a^2 b=0  b^2 +ab^2 +93b+128a=0    b^2 +(19−a−a^2 )b−128=0  (1+a)b^2 +93b+128a=0    a=0?  b^2 +19b−128=0  b^2 +93b=0⇒b=0,−93, but bd=−128⇒b≠0  ⇒a≠0    a=−1?  b^2 +19b−128=0  93b−128=0⇒b=128/93  ⇒b^2 −74b=0,b≠0⇒b=74  ⇒a≠−1    ⇒ab^2 +a(19−a−a^2 )b−128a=0  (1+a)b^2 +93b+128a=0  ⇒(1+2a)b^2 +b(93+19a−a^2 −a^3 )=0  ⇒ b=((a^3 +a^2 −19a−93)/(1+2a))  also    b^2 +(19−a−a^2 )b−128=0  (1+a)b^2 +93b+128a=0    (1+a)b^2 +(1+a)(19−a−a^2 )b−128−128a=0  (1+a)b^2 +93b+128a=0  ⇒(19−a−a^2 +19a−a^2 −a^3 −93)b−128(1+2a)=0  (−74+18a−2a^2 −a^3 )b=128(1+2a)  ⇒b=((128(1+2a))/(−74+18a−2a^2 −a^3 ))  ⇒128(1+2a)^2 =(−74+18a−2a^2 −a^3 )(a^3 +a^2 −19a−93)  128+512a+512a^2 =...  ...  ...


Commented by Michaelfaraday last updated on 29/Dec/22

sir i dont understand your step?


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 29/Dec/22

It′s not possible this way.  x^4 +ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d=0  1. let x=t−(a/4) to get  t^4 +pt^2 +qt+r=0  2. now we might find 2 square factors  (t^2 −αt+β)(t^2 +αt+γ)=0  by matching the constants.  solve 2 of the 3 equations for β and γ, then  insert in the 3^(rd)  equation to get  (α^2 )^3 +A(α^2 )^2 +Bα^2 +C=0  only if this has got “nice” solutions we get  square factors we can work with.


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