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Question Number 183951 by Acem last updated on 01/Jan/23

Commented by Acem last updated on 01/Jan/23

 •c  Are the points A, F, N, M ∈ a circle?           if they are then find it center position and it radius   ∗ AN⊥BC, BA⊥CA


Answered by HeferH last updated on 01/Jan/23

 a. Since ∠BAC = 90° and AM is median ⇒  ∠NAM = 30°   b. Yes,  the ratio of their sides is (1/2),   there is a specific theorem, if you join   the midpoints of any two sides of a triangle   the triangle that you get is going to be similar   to the first one.    c. Yes, the quadrilateral AFNM would need to   be cyclic, for that ∠F + ∠M = 180° ∨   ∠A + ∠N = 180°. In this case    60°(∠MAF )+120° (MNF)= 180°   I will send an image later :) and the radius    stuff


Commented by HeferH last updated on 01/Jan/23

Commented by HeferH last updated on 01/Jan/23

AMNF end up being an isosceles trapezoid.  ⇒ r = 1   Also:   (x, y) = ((5/2), ((√3)/2))  (According to the first diagram)    but I may have a mistake somewhere


Commented by Acem last updated on 01/Jan/23

Big Thanks for your efforts dear friend!   I only didn′t get the point (x, y) , if the origin was   M, the center should be ((1/2) , ((√3)/2))   P.s: You can check my method


Commented by HeferH last updated on 01/Jan/23

I tought B was the origin, so thats why    i got something else thank you for the   interesting problem friend!


Commented by Acem last updated on 01/Jan/23

 There is not any problem at your solution   If you deem B as the origin so the point ((5/2) , ((√3)/2))   is 100%  correct.   Your solution is completly correct   Thank you very much!


Answered by Acem last updated on 01/Jan/23

Commented by Acem last updated on 01/Jan/23

Commented by Acem last updated on 01/Jan/23

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