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Question Number 184280 by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/23

  Given  { ((a_0 =1)),((a_(n+1) =(1/2)(3a_n +(√(5a_n ^2 −4)) ))) :}   ∀n≥0 , n∈I     find a_n .


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/23

unsolved old question


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/23

i found finally a solution:  a_n =(2/( (√5))) cosh [(2n+1) cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2) ]  which delivers:  a_0 =1  a_1 =2  a_2 =5  a_3 =13  a_4 =34  a_5 =89  ...


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/23

more other solutions?


Commented by SEKRET last updated on 04/Jan/23

  a_n = ((a_(n−1)  +a_(n+1) )/3)


Commented by SEKRET last updated on 04/Jan/23

  a_0 =1     a_1 = 2∙1+0     a_2 = 2+(2+1)      a_3 = 5+(5+2+1)   a_4 = 13+(13+5+2+1)    a_5 = 34+ (34+13+5+2+1)  ...........     a_n = a_(n−1) +Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1) a_k


Commented by SEKRET last updated on 04/Jan/23

 a_n =(2/( (√5))) cosh((2n+1)cosh^(−1) ((√5)/2))     a_0 =1    a_1 =2    a_3 =13    a_4 =34    a_5 =89   a_6  = 233     a_7 =610     a_8 =1597


Commented by SEKRET last updated on 04/Jan/23

  how  did you find it


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/23

thanks!  but the question asks for a_n  in  explicit form. recursive form is  already given in the question.


Commented by SEKRET last updated on 04/Jan/23



Commented by Frix last updated on 04/Jan/23

It′s each 2nd Fibonacci−Number ⇒  a_n =(1/( (√5)))((((1+(√5))/2))^(2n+1) −(((1−(√5))/2))^(2n+1) )


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/23

how did you get this?


Commented by manxsol last updated on 05/Jan/23

true^� ,   good observation Sr.Frix   determinant ((n,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,(10)),(f_n ,1,2,3,5,8,(13),(21),(34),(55),(89)),(a_n ,,2,,5,,(13),,(34),,(89)))  a_n =f_(2n−2)    a_1 =1  this solution is valid?    a_n =f_(2n−2)


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/23

so far as it is not deviated from the  given equation a_(n+1) =(1/2)(3a_n +(√(5a_n ^2 −4))),  i don′t think it is mathematically  strict, even though it is correct.  the question is not:  given: 1,2,5,13,34,... find a_n =?.  and even so, there are infinite  solutions for a_n  as we know.


Answered by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/23

a_(n+1) =(1/2)(3a_n +(√(5a_n ^2 −4)))  2a_(n+1) −3a_n =(√(5a_n ^2 −4))  a_(n+1) ^2 −3a_(n+1) a_n +a_n ^2 +1=0  (a_(n+1) −a_n )^2 +1=a_(n+1) a_n   let   a_(n+1) +a_n =u  a_(n+1) −a_n =v  ⇒u^2 −5v^2 =4  ((u/2))^2 −((((√5)v)/2))^2 =1  cosh^2  x_n −sinh^2  x_n =1  (u/2)=cosh x_n   ⇒u=2 cosh x_n   (((√5)v)/2)=sinh x_n  ⇒v=((2 sinh x_n )/( (√5)))  a_n =(1/2)(u−v)=cosh x_n −((sinh x_n )/( (√5)))  a_n =(2/( (√5)))(((√5)/2) cosh x_n −(1/2) sinh x_n )  a_n =(2/( (√5)))(cosh x_n  cosh α−sinh x_n  sinh α)=kcosh (x_n −α)  a_n =(2/( (√5))) cosh (x_n −α) with α=cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)  a_(n+1) =(1/2)(u+v)=cosh x_n +((sinh x_n )/( (√5)))  a_(n+1) =(2/( (√5)))(((√5)/2) cosh x_n +(1/2) sinh x_n )  a_(n+1) =(2/( (√5))) (cosh x_n  cosh α+sinh x_n  sinh α)  a_(n+1) =(2/( (√5))) cosh (x_n +α)  on the other side:  a_(n+1) =(2/( (√5))) cosh (x_(n+1) −α)  ⇒cosh (x_(n+1) −α)=cosh (x_n +α)  ⇒x_(n+1) −α=x_n +α  ⇒x_(n+1) =x_n +2α  ← A.P. with c.d. =2α  ⇒x_n =x_0 +2nα  a_n =(2/( (√5))) cosh (x_0 +2nα−α)  ⇒a_n =(2/( (√5))) cosh [x_0 +(2n−1) cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)]  a_0 =(2/( (√5))) cosh (x_0 −cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2))=1  ⇒x_0 =2 cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)  ⇒a_n =(2/( (√5))) cosh [(2n+1)cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)]    additionally:  cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)=ln (((√5)/2)+(√((((√5)/2))^2 −1)))=ln (((√5)+1)/2)  (2n+1)cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)=ln ((((√5)+1)/2))^((2n+1))   e^(−(2n+1)cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)) =((((√5)+1)/2))^(−(2n+1)) =((((√5)−1)/2))^((2n+1))   a_n =(2/( (√5))) cosh [(2n+1)cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)]  a_n =(1/( (√5)))[e^((2n+1)cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)) +e^(−(2n+1)cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)) ]  ⇒a_n =(1/( (√5)))[((((√5)+1)/2))^((2n+1)) +((((√5)−1)/2))^((2n+1)) ]


Commented by SEKRET last updated on 05/Jan/23

  beatiful solution


Commented by Frix last updated on 05/Jan/23

Remember that cosh α =((e^α +e^(−α) )/2)  a_n =(1/( (√5)))((((1+(√5))/2))^(2n+1) −(((1−(√5))/2))^(2n+1) )=  =(1/( (√5)))((((1+(√5))/2))^(2b+1) +((2/(1+(√5))))^(2n+1) )=  =(1/( (√5)))(t^x +t^(−x) )=  =(1/( (√5)))(e^(xln t) +e^(−xln t) )=  =(2/( (√5)))cosh (xln t) =  =(2/( (√5)))cosh ((2n+1)ln ((1+(√5))/2)) =            ln (x+(√(x^2 −1))) =cosh^(−1)  x            ln ((1+(√5))/2) =ln (((√5)/2)+(√((5/4)−1))) =cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2)  =(2/( (√5)))cosh ((2n+1)cosh^(−1)  ((√5)/2))  ....which is your result


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/23

thanks sir!  i′ve also added the deduction to  a_n =(1/( (√5)))[((((√5)+1)/2))^((2n+1)) +((((√5)−1)/2))^((2n+1)) ].  see above.


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