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Question Number 184307 by Mastermind last updated on 05/Jan/23

Show that the boundary−value  problem y′′+λy=0           y(0)=0,  y(L)=0 has only the trival solution  y=0 for the cases λ=0 and λ<0.  let L be a non−zero real number.      ?

Showthattheboundaryvalue problemy+λy=0y(0)=0, y(L)=0hasonlythetrivalsolution y=0forthecasesλ=0andλ<0. letLbeanonzerorealnumber. ?

Answered by FelipeLz last updated on 05/Jan/23

y′′+λy = 0  y = e^r  → r^2 e^r +λe^r  = 0  r^2  = −λ     λ = 0 → r = 0 ∴ y(x) = c   y(0) = 0 = c  y(x) = 0     λ < 0 → r = ±(√(−λ)) ∴ y(x) = c_1 e^((√(−λ))x) +c_2 e^(−(√(−λ))x)   y(0) = 0 → c_1 +c_2  = 0 ∴ y(x) = c(e^((√(−λ))x) −e^(−(√(−λ))x) )  y(L) = 0 → c(e^((√(−λ))L) −e^(−(√(−λ))L) ) = 0   L ≠ 0 → e^((√(−λ))L) −e^(−(√(−λ))L)  ≠ 0 ∴ c = 0  y(x) = 0

y+λy=0 y=err2er+λer=0 r2=λ λ=0r=0y(x)=c y(0)=0=c y(x)=0 λ<0r=±λy(x)=c1eλx+c2eλx y(0)=0c1+c2=0y(x)=c(eλxeλx) y(L)=0c(eλLeλL)=0 L0eλLeλL0c=0 y(x)=0

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