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Question Number 184384 by Shrinava last updated on 05/Jan/23

Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 05/Jan/23



Commented by Shrinava last updated on 05/Jan/23

how dear ser


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 05/Jan/23

Is this correct answer?


Commented by Shrinava last updated on 05/Jan/23

Dear ser, I don′t know the answer, but I think it′s  zero


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/23

why should you think it′s zero?   actuall any value you give is correct   or wrong, since there is no unique   solution, even though the guy who   created this question expects a   special value as correct answer.   therefore this is more a game to   guess what a strange guy expects   rather than serious mathematics.   so when you don′t know the answer,   it doesn′t mean you are bad in   mathematics, because there is  no answer. it only means that you  can′t see or guess what that strange  guy expects.  mathematically it is to find  F(48,40)=? when   F(16,64)=7  F(56,24)=3  F(96,32)=12.  the number of answers is the number  of surfaces z=F(x,y) which pass   through three given points.   we know that′s infinitely many!  more than the number of atoms in  the whole universe! so it′s not a shame,  when i can′t pick up exactly that atom   which that strange guy thinks of in   his mind.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/23

i′m just repeating what MJS sir has  said for ≈∞ times about questions   like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ?


Commented by Frix last updated on 06/Jan/23

The answer is 42  [The Hitchhiker′s Guide to the Galaxy]


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