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Question Number 185915 by ajfour last updated on 29/Jan/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 29/Jan/23

If both blue segments have length  x , find x.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 29/Jan/23

Say x=tan θ  x^2 =(1+sin^2 θ)^2 +sin^2 θcos^2 θ  ⇒ sin^2 θ = cos^2 θ(1+sin^2 θ)^2                              +sin^2 θcos^4 θ  1−s=s(2−s)^2 +(1−s)s^2   ⇒ 1−s=4s−3s^2   3s^2 −5s+1=0  s=((5±(√(13)))/6)=cos^2 θ  (1/s)=(1/(cos^2 θ))=((5±(√(13)))/2)  x=tan θ=(√((1/(cos^2 θ))−1))    =(√((3±(√(13)))/2))  therefore   x=(√((3+(√(13)))/2))≈1.8174


Commented by ajfour last updated on 29/Jan/23

Answered by mr W last updated on 29/Jan/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Jan/23

m=tan θ=(1/h)  eqn. of AC:  y=(x−1)m  eqn. of BC:  y=h−(((x−1))/m)  y_C =h−(((x_C −1))/m)=(x_C −1)m  h+m+(1/m)=(m+(1/m))x_C   x_C =1+(h/(m+(1/m)))=1+(h/(h+(1/h)))=1+(h^2 /(h^2 +1))  y_C =(h/(h^2 +1))  x_C ^2 +y_C ^2 =h^2   (1+(h^2 /(h^2 +1)))^2 +(h^2 /((h^2 +1)^2 ))=h^2   h^6 −2h^4 −4h^2 −1=0  (h^2 +1)(h^4 −3h^2 −1)=0  ⇒h^2 =((3+(√(13)))/2), (((3−(√(13)))/2), −1 rejected)  ⇒h=(√((3+(√(13)))/2))≈1.817 ✓


Commented by ajfour last updated on 29/Jan/23

Thank you sir.


Answered by HeferH last updated on 29/Jan/23

Commented by HeferH last updated on 29/Jan/23

a = (x^2 /(x^2  + 1)); b = (x/(x^2  + 1))   (1 + (x^2 /(x^2 +1)))^2 +((x/(x^2 +1)))^2  = x^2    (((2x^2 +1)/(x^2 +1)))^2 +((x/(x^2 +1)))^2  = x^2    (2x^2 +1)^2 +x^2 = x^2 (x^2 +1)^2    let x^2  = q   4q^2 +5q + 1 = q(q + 1)^2    (4q + 1)(q + 1) = q(q + 1)^2    q^2 −3q − 1 = 0   q = ((3±(√(13)))/2) ⇒ x = (√((3+(√(13)))/2)) ≈ 1.817


Commented by ajfour last updated on 29/Jan/23

thanks sir.


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